Monday, July 27, 2009

Wedding Invitation Wording Noon Ceremony

Tourism forgotten by the "Junta del Garda"

Dear Mr. Director, I am writing this because I remained colpito dall’intervista apparsa sul suo giornale, nella giornata di mercoledì 08 luglio, al sindaco di Lonato del Garda in relazione allo sviluppo turistico. Premetto che sono un operatore culturale e non sono iscritto a nessun partito politico, ma ho tante cose da dire. In primis appare evidente che il dr. Bocchio, dimostra di avere ben poca cultura in relazione allo sviluppo turistico e culturale di un territorio come Lonato, se pensa che solo con la concessione di centinaia di migliaia di metri cubi per costruire strutture ricettive, si riesca a creare una strategia di sviluppo che giustifichi la decisione presa, soprattutto per accontentare chi opera nella grande distribuzione, di cambiare il nome di questo comune da Lonato in Lonato del Garda. La ricettività serves to Lonato, but there are different ways to accomplish it, today there are many alternative ways to cement that allow a local development by improving quality and more harmonious Hotel widespread reuse of empty buildings in the historic center and not , B & Bs, apartments for tourist use, and still many other options. The work of some directors puzzles me, instead of creating events for the local culture are quite different, with initiatives such as the "Bull in the streets", nothing to do with our culinary traditions, the feast of the patron or The Piston Cup with the roar of motorcycle engines in American historical center and, in this regard I consider that the attitude of the League, which should be more sensitive to local culture and that nothing said about the change of name of our beloved country and says nothing of the questionable actions carried out by assessors in addition, both accomplice of this mentality, even absurdity was reached by organizing the "farmer's market" out of shopping malls, and perhaps representatives leaguers should take a course from colleagues who have much to camuni insegnare.A Lonato in addition to one hundred meters lake, there is "The Polada", the oldest Bronze Age culture of the whole of North Italy, there are more cultural heritage of all the other towns around Lake Garda, we recall the fortress and the museum of the Fondazione Ugo da Como, furnaces Roman, Romanesque churches, great environmental treasures such as the flora, fauna and landscapes of the moraine hills, many tour operators such as farms and equestrian centers. Lonato alone has the resources to create a system with all its associations, which are more than seventy. Today we need to focus on the creation of a tourist destination, ecotourism that the statistics say, is the fastest growing trend in the coming years, you can create an economy that can live on a sweet quality of life to those who place high and who comes to be a tourist. The mayor and the council but have no tourism development strategy, it can be seen clearly by the operator of the councilors, each goes his own way, pointing in different directions with each other, there is no coordination, there is no love for this country, you grant cubic meters, perhaps to create second homes, completely defacing some of the most beautiful (Drugolo, Colli, Lazzaretto, etc..), these are the resources easier to find, congratulations on your foresight. But once they realized who creates uncontrolled development tourism demand if there is an offer? How do I create the local economy? The crisis is Garda travel under your eyes, all operators complain that they are descended from more seasons le prenotazioni; negli ultimi trent’anni è questo il tipo di amministrazione del territorio, sia di destra che di sinistra, che ha provocato i danni che sono ben evidenti sugli altri comuni rivieraschi. Siete vecchi e vi mancano le idee. In un periodo di crisi come questo bisogna rimboccarsi le maniche ed essere creativi, percorrendo con coraggio nuove strade che portino ad utilizzare le risorse esistenti, ma non con i metri cubi concessi a più non posso, bisogna creare servizi, ingegnarsi. La strada è lunga, è ormai chiaro a tutti che lo sviluppo di Lonato del Garda passa attraverso queste risorse e non con le industrie siderurgiche; che stanno creando molti disoccupati. Spero che il sindaco capisca, spero che le mie figlie possano godere anch’esse as I did, the beauty of our country, but unfortunately I see that my desire to be moving further away from reality.

Luigi Del Prete
president "Lacus"