August 2009
Hello, I would like to thank the PD and its representatives have offered to me and the Deputy Mayor Roscoe, immediate solidarity, both in form and substance, 's infamous attack in July received at the hands of an anonymous scribe. To date, as far as I know, the author is still anonymous and it is incredible that a country like Lonato (del Garda!) Is exposed to the dangers of such large proportions between 4.00 and 5.30 in the morning hours in presumably acted the new Robespierre of the morainic hills. Could move terrorists, armed gangs, the anonymous seizures followers of the Ku-Klux-Klan and ... nothing in that dark and murky half-hour, Lonato would seem to be swallowed by a black hole of time that dark minds, the cameras and common sense. One thing you could clarify this whole affair and that is that the diligence and the desire to ensure justice is Pasquino was parallel to the solicitude of the solidarity of those who did not date. And I hope you avoid whining comments like "but it is not easy" but has done everything possible "but, blah, blah, blah" would be better to start than to have the intelligence of others. My position is soon planning commission clarified: it is not in the committee that passed the strategic choices of a PGT. The committee has a purely advisory powers and gives technical advice mainly on building practices are not yet consolidated, but already open with the operators. Surely I could learn about the choices of political direction, having been the former President of the National Alliance Circle Lonato, merged in the PDL yesterday, today ousted by a coup with municipal mayor of Lonato (I do not think that the decree Brunetta intended to extend the "theory of turnstiles," even to the newly formed PDL sites, but there are always those who misunderstand), but this did not happen, then I got a good pace to control the PGT published on the website of the town and there are many of my games, to say the least, perplexed. The most vibrant, certainly on the Lido area project: having Lonato only 400 mt. of beach, overlooking the lake, did not seem blatantly disrespectful to know what is meant by project area. Maybe I will not have had the grace doormat that has become synonymous with politically correct, but I asked simple questions and clear for which I had no direct answers: never!
must be said that in general I terrorize all those brilliant, all the rabbits from the hat, which are usually identified as "project areas". I rename the “aree abracadabra”, rende più l’idea: sono zone che potrebbero diventare qualsiasi cosa. Che ne so, cementificazioni iperspeculative di vecchia programmazione, opifici industriali, tricco-tracco dance, inceneritori, discariche, magari di inerti, che poi ci fan credere che non fanno male.
Detto questo, ho anche proposto di discutere pubblicamente il PGT che si andava a presentare, ma devo aver detto un’eresia e in effetti la scomunica dei reietti di A.N. non si è fatta attendere. Resto in ogni caso a disposizione di qualsiasi gruppo politico o associazione di cittadini che lo voglia discutere in una sede pubblica, aperta, arieggiata, solare, ossigenata, LUMINOSA, trasparente, fuori da ogni condizionamento and unique public interest. And just to leave no doubts whatsoever, I want to point out that the ex-directors of AN are of the PDL and the PDL remain, at least today, that in any political meeting of the PDL, which I should have been invited, was given the consent the Mayor to remove the powers of the Deputy Mayor-Councillor Roscoe. These are the results of a strategy of "divide and imperat" carelessness and political confrontation that has poisoned a frank and civil Lonato.
In any case, despite the force that often arise in the reaction, the anonymous leaflet has hurt me and I had some health problems, so I had some anxiety attacks culminated in a home on 03/08/2009. As I was on vacation, the doctor, one that tends to seeing the health store (only does the job and does it very well), I was advised to stay away from stress and my partner decided to abide in the next period deserved rest. To this is due to the temporary silence to absorb the adverse impact of what has been a hard blow, but I'm past: policy-making at times exposed to these risks, but I have never accepted and intimidation will not do it even now . Who wrote it? Mah! When you find people finally know the identity of Pasquino, but until then will continue to think what you want and right until proven otherwise, that the saying goes, Vox Populi, vox Dei. It is considered
the mold of intimidation, I can not help but think of those criminals, which is certainly all of my disgust and my conviction that at least the pizzini signed them and even though reluctantly, to replicate at a glance that flyer some still give far too much importance to a mouse: I did not open any real estate agency in Lonato, there have never sold even one of the Lego brick, the deputy mayor I have never passed state secrets because secrets are not there and has never had, I do not work in an office, as thousands of Italians around and think that there is someone who considers the work of others a crime or a conflict of interest, it scares me a bit '.
Ma ancor più mi spaventa chi pretende di far politica cominciando da un volantino denigratorio, come se la politica fosse una roulette russa o per i più sempliciotti un parco giochi. E in ogni caso, anche al luna park, se comperi un biglietto, ti danno la poltroncina per farti un bel giro sulla ruota panoramica, ma non acquisisci il diritto salico ad avere un biglietto omaggio. E forse è arrivato il momento di comunicare la fine dei giochi.
Bozzoni Maria