pony I present today in giappone non sono molti (le razze giapponesi sono tre: Hokkaido, Kiso e Kagoshima) e discendono dai pony di Mongolia, Cina e Corea . I'Hokkaido (una volta chiamato Dosanko) in particolare proveniva dalla Cina nordorientale.
In Giappone i cavalli hanno svolto per secoli un ruolo importante nella vita dei samurai , infatti quest'ultimi dovevano possedere l'abilità nel tiro con l'arco, nella scherma, nel ju-jitsu ma anche nell'equitazione . Quando i dignitari civili viaggiavano a cavallo sedevano su ampie selle di legno ( simili a basti ) rivestite di mantelli e coperte; il cavaliere sedeva a gambe incrociate e le appoggiava ai lati del collo del cavallo. Una particolarità: civilians rarely used the reins (so the horse was led by men on foot) because the reins were considered a prerogative of the warriors !
Ponies were widely used in farm work until the thirties (transport and soma), but now a few pony still work on farms which are often found in mountain areas .
In Hokkaido ponies pulling sledges and until recently were not even used in coal mines ...
Ponies are named after the place where they are and that is the island of Hokkaido (北海道), the northernmost of the four main islands Japanese archipelago (the name literally means "the way to the northern sea"), the island is characterized by a wild and winters, this factor has resulted in Hokkaido pony great endurance and strength . They measure on average about 130-135 cm (ponies living in areas where the vegetation is of poor quality have developed a small size) and also have small hard feet and nicely rounded, slender legs and light with a small bow at the less ... but unfortunately, their head is not very fine, in fact the origins of the Mongolian ponies can be seen today. The coat has all the possible colors.

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