Monday, August 25, 2008

Can Dogs Contract Leprosy

Ecco la foto di questa settimana:

...un carosello di cavalli Alter Real

Recipe For Marzetti Slaw Dressing

The summer is known to say and maybe the most beautiful days' time to devote to our friend the horse, but it also means a lot of insects to fight. Can 'happen in fact that these, together with the dust in the air in the stable, go to infasdidire and irritate the eyes of cavalli.Quando I arrived one day in the stable a few weeks ago, I realized that the Gipsy's eye had swollen , could not open and "weeping". What to do? Arm yourself first of all cotton handkerchiefs or washers (just leave no "fluff"), wet them a little bit, and clean the eye (in this case I sono riuscita a pulire anche dentro l'occhio togliendo quella specie di pus che si trovava tra la palpebra e l'occhio che impediva alla Gy di aprirlo)E' molto importante cambiare fazzoletto ogni volta che si va a pulire l'occhio. Poi quando l'occhio è pulito bisogna fare un impacco fatto con té nero o alla camomilla (tra l'altro in commercio ho visto che comunque esistono dei prodotti proprio per questi impacchi). Dopo questo procedimento infatti la Gy poteva tenere l'occhio aperto (e non piangeva piu') ed è guarita subito!

Rail Buggies For Sale In Sc

Olimpadi Results!

Finite le olimpiadi ecco i risultati per l'equitazione...
Concorso completo a squadre - Finale Misto
3.Gran Bretagna

Conconcorso completo individuale - Finale Misto
1 .ROMEIKE Hinrich (Germania)
2.MILES Gina (USA)
3.COOK Kristina (Great Britain)

Dressage Team:




Individual Dressage:

1.Anky Van Grunsven (Netherlands)
2.Isabelle Werth (Germany)
3.Heike Kemmer (Germany)

( Switzerland did not take part in the Olympics)

Jumping teams:

1.State United


3.Norvegia (but that 'the risk of losing the bronze!)

(Switzerland was ranked in fourth place)

Jumping Individual:

1.Eric Lamaze (Canada)

2.Rolf-Goran Bengtsson (Sweden)

3.Beezie Madden (USA)

... among other Four Horsemen were excluded for doping horses by jumping individual final at the Olympics in Hong Kong. They are Bernardo Alves of Brazil with the horse Chupa Chup; German Christian Ahlmann with Coster horse, the Irish Denys Lynch with his horse Latinus Tony Andre Hansen and the Norwegian with the horse Camira. Under the rules of the FEI, the Four Horsemen were immediately suspended from racing .... this means that maybe the bronze will go to Switzerland!


Cross Country:

jumping (with the music of Rocky!)

At the next Olimpadi London in 2012!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Questions For The Film Milk

Photo Photo of the week internship

Here are some photos of the Stage to Sciolze! (That is thanks for the photos! Em sonon those of my worst qualities:-p):

workouts on the track! What gallops!

Some hamper ...

... relax ...

Here are the four horsemen of the apocalypse! (AKA we apprentices completists!) Together with our "coach" Cornelia and her very nice Jack Russel! Thanks 1000!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Descargar Pure Silver O Solid Gold


The day before yesterday have begun the 2008 Olympics ! Yesterday I saw on Italian TV a "glimpse" of the full dressage. I hope you do see so much on other channels on horse seems to me that this is always a bit 'ignored by the media ...
For the three Olympic equestrian disciplines: dressage , jumping and full ; the II Olympiad, held in Paris in 1900, there were also co me individual disciplines in the high jump and long (and the attitude of the rider on the jump was still in old style, like this one!: )
Stockholm Olympics in 1912, frameworks for oimpiche riding was reduced to three , and those that are practiced today.
Here is a picture of that event (Ake Hoek for Sweden while jumping a fence): Here's you am Swiss Riding:

Complete: Tiziana Realini.
Jumping: Daniel Etter, Steve Guerdat, Christina Liebherr, Niklaus Schurtenbergen and Pius Schwizer.
Dressage: The Swiss dressage team did not want to appear because of the climate!

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Here is the schedule for riding:
Force red cross!