Sunday, August 10, 2008

Descargar Pure Silver O Solid Gold


The day before yesterday have begun the 2008 Olympics ! Yesterday I saw on Italian TV a "glimpse" of the full dressage. I hope you do see so much on other channels on horse seems to me that this is always a bit 'ignored by the media ...
For the three Olympic equestrian disciplines: dressage , jumping and full ; the II Olympiad, held in Paris in 1900, there were also co me individual disciplines in the high jump and long (and the attitude of the rider on the jump was still in old style, like this one!: )
Stockholm Olympics in 1912, frameworks for oimpiche riding was reduced to three , and those that are practiced today.
Here is a picture of that event (Ake Hoek for Sweden while jumping a fence): Here's you am Swiss Riding:

Complete: Tiziana Realini.
Jumping: Daniel Etter, Steve Guerdat, Christina Liebherr, Niklaus Schurtenbergen and Pius Schwizer.
Dressage: The Swiss dressage team did not want to appear because of the climate!

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Here is the schedule for riding:
Force red cross!


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