Thursday, August 6, 2009

Are Reebok Cricket Bats Good

when asked the Mayor 08/05/2009

1^ Interpellanza:
The councilors of the group LIVE LONATO - DEMOCRATIC PARTY,
observed that the initiative of the "farmers market", whose usefulness and validity are firmly convinced, is repeatedly advertised on the light panels placed at the entrances of the country.
Although all lawful, we asked about the reasons for such free advertising that is continuing beyond the initial period of start-up of the market.The country activities that form the market, in fact, in the opinion of writers should not enjoy a similar advantage over the traditional businesses. Is therefore requested to know the date on which the advertising will cease.

2^ Interpellanza:
I consiglieri comunali del gruppo VIVI LONATO – PARTITO DEMOCRATICO,
rilevata la bruttura della cabina elettrica costruita a ridosso della base della Torre civica,
preso atto delle dichiarazioni del Signor Sindaco rese alla stampa (giornale di Brescia del 31 maggio 2009)
“Quanto alla cabina elettrica appoggiata alla torre è stata costruita in forati ed è provvisoria. La Soprintendenza lo sa. Fra un anno la sposteremo all’interno della torre, dopo aver effettuato i necessari lavori. “
che nella prossima seduta del consiglio comunale siano comunicati:

· gli estremi della concessione edilizia to build the cabin
· the opinions of mandatory supervision.
· the state of play in the tower in anticipation of the move and said their opinions of competence achieved.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

South Park Fatbeard Online

The previous episode of "chance Deputy Mayor"

really strange session of the City Council last July 30!
A series of incidents have shown a keen observer and analyzer, the lack of seriousness of the Municipal Lonato.

The first incident occurred when the Mayor announced that a major point agenda of then was removed for study. It was the adoption of a development plan for via dei Colli, identified more than 10 years in the land situated between the hospital and the village of Colli Via Marcolini from the late 90s.
The project is the subdivision signed by the former provincial president UDC, Architect Sigurtà , migrated to the newly formed Alliance Center Lonato and strong supporter of the junta.
So it happened that the 'City's planning department Tardani City Council has resulted in a draft submitted by his great supporter.
But it was not the commissioner who proposed the withdrawal of the project, but the Mayor .
In fact on that project development agreement minorities Board and perhaps not only them, were ready to do battle to try to open the eyes of the majority to the directors. The forecasts were in fact those of creating a series of beautiful homes with large private gardens and "who cares" if doing so there will be no wide streets and parks planted it public. The monetization of 40 € / sqm is in fact a godsend.
L ' Councillor Tardani accepts the proposal of his great supporter and has such a Council in Lonato crap that has not been seen by at least 30 years.
some members of the majority, however, must have thought that all ' Architect member of the Alliance Center had already gone a good bit 'too many chores to be able to claim even this mess, perhaps the design of new Palazzaccio Sports with costs doubled and administered by the centrist couple Prandini (Department of Sport) & Sigurtà (designer appointed by the City) was already considered a nice bite in the centrists may also be satisfied.
But you know, appetite comes with eating, and annoyance to those of ' Alliance Center, former SVP, must be increased to one thousand when the mayor, facing a silent City's planning department, decided on collection point on the agenda.
The revenge came soon after when the parent company of ' Alliance Center, Nicola Ferrarini , requested the postponement of the agenda item that provides for the election of the new Auditor . The Mayor Bocchio to hear such a request is bleached and angry tone had to accept the proposal.
He will then have to explain to someone that a that night because he had failed to do so elect Auditor .

Poor Lonato : City at the mercy of administrators who play with subdivisions and assignments, just to climb the "power".

residents Via Marcolini, Via Lazzaretto, Via dei Colli, you will find a new group of houses with or without green areas and parking only in terms of accommodation is "political" one of the components of the administration in view of the forthcoming municipal elections of 2010.

David Pope Baccinelli
Giancarlo Perini

Morando (Group-Live Lonato Consiliare Pd)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Scooter Part Diagram Drawings

Lonato no longer the deputy mayor!

A Lonato Giunta was a right-wing ally the Northern League led by Dr. Mayor. Mario Bocchio (FI-PdL), flanked by Deputy Mayor Antonio Roscoe (NA-PDL, in photo), according to the logic of division of the seats a little to the component of force in Italy and some of the AN.
In recent weeks, a leaflet was distributed anonymously to all the downtown streets, which alluded to an alleged conflict of interest between the role of deputy mayor would know in advance that the TMP is the planning commission in charge of his partner, Bozzoni Mary, who has just opened a shop building on Corso Garibaldi. The PD
immediately gave his political and human solidarity to the couple, both with his councilors, and with his representative in the planning commission, but he could not fail to note that the flyer looked just wrote by a disgruntled member of the right-wing majority.
And these days, the mayor of Lonato, dr. Mario Bocchio, withdrew its delegation of Deputy Mayor and Head of Finance-Budget-Taxes Antonio Roscioli. The mayor first
offers its solidarity and then withdraw the delegation to the Deputy Mayor.
Meanwhile, the planning commission will meet tomorrow at 18.30, which will also attend Mrs. Mary Bozzoni that surely will clarify the political situation, together with Dr. alderman Planning. Roberto Tardani.