In recent weeks, a leaflet was distributed anonymously to all the downtown streets, which alluded to an alleged conflict of interest between the role of deputy mayor would know in advance that the TMP is the planning commission in charge of his partner, Bozzoni Mary, who has just opened a shop building on Corso Garibaldi. The PD
immediately gave his political and human solidarity to the couple, both with his councilors, and with his representative in the planning commission, but he could not fail to note that the flyer looked just wrote by a disgruntled member of the right-wing majority.
And these days, the mayor of Lonato, dr. Mario Bocchio, withdrew its delegation of Deputy Mayor and Head of Finance-Budget-Taxes Antonio Roscioli. The mayor first
offers its solidarity and then withdraw the delegation to the Deputy Mayor.
Meanwhile, the planning commission will meet tomorrow at 18.30, which will also attend Mrs. Mary Bozzoni that surely will clarify the political situation, together with Dr. alderman Planning. Roberto Tardani.
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