Altissima affluenza a Lonato del Garda alle primarie per la scelta del segretario nazionale PD!
443 lonatesi hanno votato ieri, domenica 25 ottobre, all'accogliente e ben organizzato gazebo allestito davanti alle scuole medie, dal momento che non ci era stato concesso l'atrio all'ingresso delle same as any other public space sheltered from the cold!
The beautiful day in late October, however, helped us and the democratic people and came to the polls, more or less the same extent as the 2007 primary, which had crowned the Democratic Party leader Walter Veltroni. Voters were still at 20.
We want to thank all our members and voters for giving us a beautiful page of Italian democracy.
National Secretariat:
Regional Office:
Maurizio Martina (Bersani motion) 232 votes
Vittorio Angiolini (motion Marino) 103 votes
Emanuele Fiano (Franceschini motion) 97 votes
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