Ieri sono passata di fronte a una macelleria e mi son presa 2 ossibuchi (grande sbaglio, eran di quelli sodi che il midollo non si scioglie in bocca) e un po' si spezzatino di manzo. Volevo seguire la ricetta di G iallo Zafferano degli ossibuchi Milanese work in progress but I have forgotten a bit 'of things and changed others.
In my casserole fell "accidentally" type 3-4 tablespoons of oil in the recipe and I still added a touch of butter. I roughly chopped the onion and I browned well. Up to here have been good. I cut two strips of lemon peel and with the meat (2 beef shanks and 3 ounces of beef stew) I put them in brown lifting the fire. ARG! I forgot to flour the meat.
the grocery store today I bought a piece of ginger and I decided to reinforce may taste a lemon and give it some 'spicy with some fresh grated ginger, now that I had everything I sbarellato also added two leaves dried bay leaves. Browns browns you get the time to add the tomato (1 box). I let it cook for a long time 'and the first time that there was no need to add water to the sauce I poured two glasses of white wine type. I think I let it cook for 1 hour and a half the meat, a stew was hard and it took quite a while 'to soften it. Towards the end of cooking I peppery tasting at will, salt and added a bit 'more of ginger. I remembered later that I even juniper berries, I wonder if there would be good.
I cooked white rice seasoned with just a bit 'of butter and salt, stew it an excellent accompaniment diverted. Rice
I placed inside a mold donut-shaped with a hole and then I settled into a nice stew

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