Monday, November 10, 2008

December 2009 And Mls Soccer Tryouts

Video Shoc ...

When you stop mistreating the horses? If even those who contribute at high levels (the rider in question is a certain Christine W, Danish, which came even after the final World Cup dressage) behaves in this way and use methods that are harmful to the training give example to future generations?

... when in fact sufficient to create a good harmony between horse and rider! a knight of Russian dressage so experienced:

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My First Brazillian Waxing Pic

photo competition and co.

Uff! Uni to me ' little time for my blog, partly because I started a 'scaut and more on tasks, horses and all the rest do not have much time for channel update ... cmq here are some photos of the competitions on my netlog profile if you're interested in:

ah among other things ... this is my new baby (a girl a little 'big as it measures nearly 1.70 cm withers!) will arrive in December! I can not wait hehe ... I do not usually recommend Sinclair cascamorto :-)

... called Rikita Emel (from Hurlevent de Brek), is a three-Selle Français years, is from Normandy and his grandfather was the fabulous Quidam de Revel! We hope to have a good time with her ...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Vhs Recorderblueprintpdf

Cameri Race!

This weekend we went two days in a room and do cross country race! In Dressage, we have done to the one, me and the Gipsy we classified 9 (in total there were about thirty of competitors), the afternoon show jumping course with a clear (but too fast but ',-P).

the day after we did it all with quiet, we had to cross three and a half! The time when a competitor had to stay was 3 minutes and 58 seconds ... we went steady with a time of 4 and 14 but in the end we finished seventh! Gipsy Brava!

When I have time I will post some photos ...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What Is Cubefield For The Ipod Called

Hello everyone has been so long since I update more 'blog, sorry:-p ... but with the beginning of one I had no time ... I do not have so many important news, is that the only Carolina and Sinclair have won the eighth rank Ticinesi Jumping Championships! Very good! The land and time were prohibitive (mud and rain), but Sinclair has still managed to make a nice clear path ... and then against the "colleagues" horses! (In fact, in Ticino available only to pony races are extremely rare if not nonexistent, and then the races are always a mixture of horse-pony). Now Carolina e Sinclair si stanno allenando per la prossima gara (di completo) che si svolgerà domenica 28 settembre al Riding Club di Casorate. Fortuna!
p.s: tra l'altro abbiamo intenzione di acquistare un cavallo, ma non do ancora tante info!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Can Dogs Contract Leprosy

Ecco la foto di questa settimana:

...un carosello di cavalli Alter Real

Recipe For Marzetti Slaw Dressing

The summer is known to say and maybe the most beautiful days' time to devote to our friend the horse, but it also means a lot of insects to fight. Can 'happen in fact that these, together with the dust in the air in the stable, go to infasdidire and irritate the eyes of cavalli.Quando I arrived one day in the stable a few weeks ago, I realized that the Gipsy's eye had swollen , could not open and "weeping". What to do? Arm yourself first of all cotton handkerchiefs or washers (just leave no "fluff"), wet them a little bit, and clean the eye (in this case I sono riuscita a pulire anche dentro l'occhio togliendo quella specie di pus che si trovava tra la palpebra e l'occhio che impediva alla Gy di aprirlo)E' molto importante cambiare fazzoletto ogni volta che si va a pulire l'occhio. Poi quando l'occhio è pulito bisogna fare un impacco fatto con té nero o alla camomilla (tra l'altro in commercio ho visto che comunque esistono dei prodotti proprio per questi impacchi). Dopo questo procedimento infatti la Gy poteva tenere l'occhio aperto (e non piangeva piu') ed è guarita subito!

Rail Buggies For Sale In Sc

Olimpadi Results!

Finite le olimpiadi ecco i risultati per l'equitazione...
Concorso completo a squadre - Finale Misto
3.Gran Bretagna

Conconcorso completo individuale - Finale Misto
1 .ROMEIKE Hinrich (Germania)
2.MILES Gina (USA)
3.COOK Kristina (Great Britain)

Dressage Team:




Individual Dressage:

1.Anky Van Grunsven (Netherlands)
2.Isabelle Werth (Germany)
3.Heike Kemmer (Germany)

( Switzerland did not take part in the Olympics)

Jumping teams:

1.State United


3.Norvegia (but that 'the risk of losing the bronze!)

(Switzerland was ranked in fourth place)

Jumping Individual:

1.Eric Lamaze (Canada)

2.Rolf-Goran Bengtsson (Sweden)

3.Beezie Madden (USA)

... among other Four Horsemen were excluded for doping horses by jumping individual final at the Olympics in Hong Kong. They are Bernardo Alves of Brazil with the horse Chupa Chup; German Christian Ahlmann with Coster horse, the Irish Denys Lynch with his horse Latinus Tony Andre Hansen and the Norwegian with the horse Camira. Under the rules of the FEI, the Four Horsemen were immediately suspended from racing .... this means that maybe the bronze will go to Switzerland!


Cross Country:

jumping (with the music of Rocky!)

At the next Olimpadi London in 2012!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Questions For The Film Milk

Photo Photo of the week internship

Here are some photos of the Stage to Sciolze! (That is thanks for the photos! Em sonon those of my worst qualities:-p):

workouts on the track! What gallops!

Some hamper ...

... relax ...

Here are the four horsemen of the apocalypse! (AKA we apprentices completists!) Together with our "coach" Cornelia and her very nice Jack Russel! Thanks 1000!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Descargar Pure Silver O Solid Gold


The day before yesterday have begun the 2008 Olympics ! Yesterday I saw on Italian TV a "glimpse" of the full dressage. I hope you do see so much on other channels on horse seems to me that this is always a bit 'ignored by the media ...
For the three Olympic equestrian disciplines: dressage , jumping and full ; the II Olympiad, held in Paris in 1900, there were also co me individual disciplines in the high jump and long (and the attitude of the rider on the jump was still in old style, like this one!: )
Stockholm Olympics in 1912, frameworks for oimpiche riding was reduced to three , and those that are practiced today.
Here is a picture of that event (Ake Hoek for Sweden while jumping a fence): Here's you am Swiss Riding:

Complete: Tiziana Realini.
Jumping: Daniel Etter, Steve Guerdat, Christina Liebherr, Niklaus Schurtenbergen and Pius Schwizer.
Dressage: The Swiss dressage team did not want to appear because of the climate!

ht tp: / /

Here is the schedule for riding:
Force red cross!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Hook Up A Hard Drive To My Tv

CSI Ascona! Pictures of the Week

Today begins the jumping competition Ascona! (This year is the sixteenth edition). The event will run July 25 to 27. Pero 'This year I will not' go .... here's the link:
We also put the program:

Friday, July 25:
8.30 am Opening speaker

09.00 am Race 2 phases, tab. A stopwatch, height 120/130 cm
11.00 am Youngster Tour, tab. A stopwatch, height 130/135 cm
13.00 Race tab. A chrono + 1 playoff, height 150 cm
Race no. 4 Premiere Hotel Eden Roc, Ascona
15.30 Race Training Grand Prix Race
not. 5 Premiere Hotel Eden Roc, Ascona
18.45 tab A time trial race, height 135 cm
21.15 pm Section Ascona, Losone, Ronco
Porto Ronco - Race 2 phases tab. A, height 140 cm
Sabato 26 luglio
Apertura casse ore 08.00
Gara tab A crono, altezza 120/130
Ore 10.30 Youngster Tour, 2 fasi, tab A crono
Altezza 130/135
Gara no. 9 PREMIO INELETTRA SA, Locarno
Ore 12.30 Gara tab A crono + 1 spareggio, altezza 140 cm
Ore 15.00 Gara a punti con Jolly, altezza 150 cm
Gara no. 11 WEGELIN & Co. Lugano – Locarno
Ore 17.30 Gara di addestramento: Kür con musica
Gara no. 12 WEGELIN & Co. Lugano - Locarno
19.30 Final VSCR / Schweizer Cup - 2007
4 finalists
horse race with no change. 13 Press AG Implenia
21.15 pm Race Time Trial tab C, height 145 cm
Sunday, July 27 Opening speakers
Race no. 14 PRIZE SCADA
Hours: 08.30 Youngster Tour Final Race
tab. A + 1 playoff, height 135/140

10.00 am A + 1 playoff race tab, height 120/130
Race no. 16 Press AG LIEBHERR
12.00 am Race 2 horses in pairs, tab C chrono
height 135 cm
Ore 15.00 PREMIO WEGELIN & Co. Lugano – Locarno
Gara tab. A crono + 1 winning round
2 passaggi, minimo 12 cavalieri,
in ogni caso tutti i percorsi netti altezza 16o cm

Unauthorized Access Logged

Dato che domani parto per lo stage (sto' via una settimana) e appena ritorno a casa riparto subito per una vacanza in Vallese, per un po' non potro' aggiornare il ecco dunque la foto per le prossime settimane:
...un bel cavallo Frisone!

Gay Beautiful Agony Dailymotion

Stage! Pony European Championships

Domani mattina parto per uno Stage Riding with the Gipsy! I have brought my riding instructors, will be very interesting and this way I can do a workout and learn new things. The internship will last about a week and Sinclair and Carolina are! How nice! Here is the site of the equestrian center which will take place on our stage:

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Population Genetics And Evolution Ap Lab 8

In two days starting the Pony European Championships ! This year take place in Switzerland, Avenches ! Every year I promise to go and see them but I never organize in time ... for complete contest here will be organized as three tests:

Thursday, July 24, 2008 8:00 to 16:00
test Dressage

Saturday, July 26, 2008 14:00 to 17:00
test Cross Country

Sunday, July 27, 2008 9:00

veterinary control
10:00 to 12:00
individual and team jumping

More infos:

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Bupropion Stop Taking

Among other things, here is the cross that we did Sunday ...

Friday, July 18, 2008

Signs Of A Unhealthy Liver

Breeds: Hokkaido pony

It is believed that the first horses in Japan were imported from peoples of Asia in the third century AD . When Kublai Khan (grandson of Genghis) failed 'in its invasions of Japan (respectively in 1274 and 1281) many Mongolian horses were left in those areas, and later integrated with the horse population in Japan.

pony I present today in giappone non sono molti (le razze giapponesi sono tre: Hokkaido, Kiso e Kagoshima) e discendono dai pony di Mongolia, Cina e Corea . I'Hokkaido (una volta chiamato Dosanko) in particolare proveniva dalla Cina nordorientale.
In Giappone i cavalli hanno svolto per secoli un ruolo importante nella vita dei samurai , infatti quest'ultimi dovevano possedere l'abilità nel tiro con l'arco, nella scherma, nel ju-jitsu ma anche nell'equitazione . Quando i dignitari civili viaggiavano a cavallo sedevano su ampie selle di legno ( simili a basti ) rivestite di mantelli e coperte; il cavaliere sedeva a gambe incrociate e le appoggiava ai lati del collo del cavallo. Una particolarità: civilians rarely used the reins (so the horse was led by men on foot) because the reins were considered a prerogative of the warriors !
Ponies were widely used in farm work until the thirties (transport and soma), but now a few pony still work on farms which are often found in mountain areas .
In Hokkaido ponies pulling sledges and until recently were not even used in coal mines ...
Ponies are named after the place where they are and that is the island of Hokkaido (北海道), the northernmost of the four main islands Japanese archipelago (the name literally means "the way to the northern sea"), the island is characterized by a wild and winters, this factor has resulted in Hokkaido pony great endurance and strength . They measure on average about 130-135 cm (ponies living in areas where the vegetation is of poor quality have developed a small size) and also have small hard feet and nicely rounded, slender legs and light with a small bow at the less ... but unfortunately, their head is not very fine, in fact the origins of the Mongolian ponies can be seen today. The coat has all the possible colors.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Sakura And Sasuke Story Games

full race! Part 2: Sinclair

Anche Sinclair ha partecipato, con mia sorella, nella categoria 1 insieme a me e alla Gi. Per Sinclair era in assoluto la prima gara di completo! E, come in tutte le gare di completo, la prima prova è il dressage...ecco qui ci sono state alcune difficoltà... infatti Carolina ha montato molto bene il pony in campo prova, ma quando è entrata in gampo gara
c'è stato un piccola cosa che le ha portato, purtroppo, l'eliminazione. Infatti la prova è incominciata molto bene, ma alla lettera "C" si era formata una pozza che Sinclair ha mal tollerato: infatti, mentre ci passava sopra al galoppo, per evitarla did a little jump and put the right front on the divisions that mark the white race field and hey presto ... it turned out! Everyone was very sorry for Carolina, which led to still finish the dressage test and could also participate in the tests, jumping and cross, but out of the race.
It 's a real shame because in fact the jump (the specialty of Sinclair) did a fine net and even cross the pony gave her best (she bravely faced the high water), and Carolina has fitted very well! Now we have a po'concentrarci on dressage, maybe the next time the idea is to only participate in competitions in dressage (the GA in Switzerland) so used to it!
Here are some photos:

(ok I'm a disaster with the scans of the jump, the image has failed is also wrong time ...)

How To Wax Legs, Pakistani

full race! Part 1: Gipsy

Sunday, July 13th I went for my first race with full Gipsy! It 'was amazing!
Saturday afternoon I went to the stable from the Gi to clean the tail and make them the famous pigtails ehehe ... it took me more 'than an hour because I'm not very good ... cmq Sunday morning woke up at 4, breakfast, and after wearing the clothes I was racing at 5 in the stable. Loaded the horses on the trailer (in all there were two horses and a Gipsy 'other mare named Elegance) ... we started in the middle of the storm, with lots of lightning! I was a bit 'worried, because with such a time there was a risk of a possible cancellation of the race! Fortunately, where we had to go to Cuceglio (in the equestrian center "Hippogriff Golden Star") was good weather. when we arrived, we downloaded the material and sent down the horses from the trailer and then we watched (me and my sister Carolina) to cross the path with my teacher Cornelia, who showed how to the location and tips for each obstacle. Category 1 to race, began with the dressage (shooting "2 to 1") at 12 and 10, and my test was at 12 and 26 ... Well I must say it was quite good, was second after everyone has finished doing dressage! But 'the next time I bet most of' the quiet pace and accuracy, the famous X in the middle line, I have a little 'Ratata:-P ... cmq after finishing the shot was the moment of trial jump. Always with Cornelia we visited the location (in total there were only 8 obstacles, fortunately because of my memory ehehe), then we have prepared the horses (remember to thoroughly clean your legs before putting gamasce! But as I did a scordarmelo?! Bè devo dire che ero abbastanza in trance quella mattina per via dello stress, del caldo, ecc...). Dopo il riscaldamento, al suono della campana, ho iniziato il mio percorso! La brava Gi ha fatto un bellissimo netto, quindi dopo la gara di salto... eravamo ancora seconde! Ora bisognava concentrarsi bene per l'ultima gara di cross (che incominciava verso le 5, quindi alle 4 e mezza bisognava essere pronti per il riscaldamento)!! per fortuna finita la prova di salto abbiamo potuto riposarci e a fare il pieno di energie (con il gatorate della mamma). In totale erano sedici ostacoli (con due passaggi obbligatori). Dopo il riscaldamento è dunque iniziata la gara! Che tensione allo start when you hear "missing ten seconds!", "nine ... eight ... seven .. six ... five ... four ... three ... two ... one ... GO! So we left and I Gi and I faced all the obstacles (some of em at a rate a bit 'too high ihihi), and even the dreaded, the highest lake (that we were able to address the trot yuppy, it was too dangerous to deal with galloping given the high water level) and when we arrived at the last hurdle and cut the flags that marked the end of the trail was too happy! E 'was so much fun! Now they see, after cooling down the horse, giving him a shower and put the material on the van, the result. So I went to check the charts (not I could find) and to see photos of all three tests. While I was in line (among other things at that moment is coming down 'hail a very strong, I must say that we had a great luck with the weather!) To try to see my pictures I saw ... call me! I knew that with a second rank after the jumping and a path to cross over it was possible to be on the podium ... but I really did not arrive before imagined: -0! But above all, this victory is the Gipsy ... is a fabulous horse, lids, nice! I really enjoyed it and I hope to spend even a good time with her.

Here are some photos:

(the series are just a phenomenon to scan, note the photo of the jump, I scanned wrong:-P)