Sunday, March 13, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Internet Connection Without Landline
Top secret and caps
News space
from a document found in the hospice
In the fifth tenth of the time escaped triplet,
Certus on the planet, eight behind the street light bibliardi vinea,
more than one hundred scholars assisted by a thousand wise white beards ,
will meet, under the wise guidance of the outstanding
to give a definitive answer to the fundamental questions of human
How old is the cuckoo
How heavy is the shadow
How long is the hunger
How ignorant the Gandul (core)
The proportion between the height and ciulaggine
What good have the primary on secondary
The height of Lies short legs
How many cans of faith are beliefs
Love is to be measured in meters or pounds
The distance between the best and worst
The result of the sum of the bad and the beautiful
The specific gravity of feather
precedence between the before and after
If the nerve is ashamed
How goes it before it breaks
As the there is there and here is what the here in
for the occasion will be banned all flights in the constellation of the donkey relevant.
Signed and remarked:
Great Khan Leon Brank
Bar Bis Gian Pi
Adel Loyos SCUE
Gigius brothers
For those who want the competition is
your say that I have already told my
In the spirit decubertiamo
the important thing is to participate
(no prizes - Ghe or Ming)
You say in your comments to post
At the end of the conference will be held interballospaziale
dental extraction
the winner will have one tooth less.
Hello guys, greetings to nippo who are now in the group of the tragedy.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Easy Worship Transitions
Another artist I found at the Fair of skill factors Angela, I have really enjoyed his creations in leather and paper. Angela does not have a website or blog, but the network is enough for her such a beautiful post on Panpepato . Trying I discovered that of Verona and is a founding member of Joy , a place in Verona where you can attend courses creative.
Yulia Mayarchuk Online
The hustle and bustle of life
unconscious and ready for any challenge when you're young, you're in a hurry, it is perpetually in the grip of desire to discover life, pervaded by the desire to know the future that seems like an infinite universe unknown immersed in a swirling sea of \u200b\u200bemotions that magnetically attract each our pulse. In later life, stabilized and loaded by an awareness of responsibility, we search for peace, but always in a rush, we met our limit in the immensity of life, and we know that there is no certainty that you have tomorrow. We will look ahead to what has been in its immutability, and for better or for worse, there remained a hurry to use the opportunity to continue or remedy.
Time has opposed measures, what is to come is immeasurable, the past, however, Centenary though, is like a flash.
Besides the carnival after the fire are ashes.
Just a while ago, maybe.
Look there, look how they fly away,
without speaking, eyes twisted in looks bright
lips of desire in the vortex of smiles.
Look, look as they go flying on wings light
silent in their posting.
Look, look how they go,
good look at them after a while '
not see them again.
landed it was still night, as exiles who have taken every nationality, the two Carbonari slipped silently through the narrow streets of the port. No one else saw them and the seamen of the ship they had taken to two poor miners. They knew what the mission had to be made they would not lose sight even for a moment. They had a secret letter to be delivered directly into the hands of the general, in his retreat at Caprera.
Hello guys, the unit has run disunited, inequality has run melted and the cake they ate.
Installing Port Royale 2,
Piano piano riemergo dallo stress pre/post laurea. Ho ricominciato a scrivere articoli per Pianeta mamma , ho ripreso un buon ritmo nel rispondere alle domande delle donnine del forum , sono l'ostetrica personale delle mie amiche a roma...consulenza telefonica of course. Del tipo che l'altra sera alle 3 di notte mi è arrivata una chiamata. E' una gioia (si, dico sul serio) essere chiamate alle 3 di notte per aiutare a risolvere un problema. Magari dopo mille chiamate non la penserò più nella solita maniera ma ora è proprio fico!
Poi ho presentato la domanda per partecipare a un concorso che forse è truccatissimo, ma almeno rompo il ghiaccio.
Questi che vedete in foto sono il mio libretto di ostetrica e notate bene il numero "1001", non è bellissimo? e i bigliettini da visita che però li ho fatti prima di creare l'ennesimo blog. Si ieri mi son messa a fare un nuovo blog, ormai ne ho una infinità. Ho pensato che ogni argomento debba essere a sè quindi i corsi creativi in un blog e le cose da ostetrica in un altro che si chiama Violeta Ostetrica, ho ripreso il nome che mi ha dato l'admin del forum. Nel blog ci ho messo tutto quello che faccio, o vorrei fare, come ostetrica. Lunedì ho un appuntamento con il commercialista del Caf, anche se ho fatto domanda al concorso mica posso aspettare il 4 aprile di sapere che non l'ho passato.... quindi via libera alla partita iva e alla libera profession!
This however is the flyer that I created yesterday, today I'm going to make many copies and then start to leave them in shops and stores and shops. What do you think? can go?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
How Do I Tell If Gas Is Gelled
Pinky Finger Swollen And Rd
These delicious candies that seem to have actually pannlenci decorated boxes, polymer clay and silicone! are so beautiful that one would bite. Li has made Simon Walker, his site is Fancy Cakes, still under construction. I met her at the fair booth Hobbydonna Skillfully of Vicenza, exhibits and sells her creations and has also anche tenuto dei corsi per insegnare a realizarli
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Used Honey Extractor For Sale
An unknown idiot nicknamed Basil
A sudden flash yellow followed by a drawling hissing wound left a cross in the darkness of night. Not even the time that the light should come to illuminate the ground that a violent blast shook, in a swirl of dirt, all around. "Stay down. Stay covered! "The words shouted loudly echoed by Lieutenant-guns to the booth, located in the bottom of the trench, but the men huddled in that gut of excavated earth and rock hard, not heard. were collected in the trench, glued to the wall as if they wanted, like moles, penetrate deep in the earth. The explosions are propagated to the entire perimeter of that face, incessant, accompanied by bursts of machine guns. In a short time a dense smoke took possession of the air and there was even buried in the trenches. Men rimanevano inchiodati alla parete della trincea ma non immobili, i loro corpi erano percorsi da un tremore irrefrenabile. In quel frangente la concitazione dell’animo di chi si sente perduto e che viene chiamata paura, la faceva da padrona in quella fossa. Alla luce balenante delle granate e dei razzi illuminanti, i corpi dei soldati stavano così vicini gli uni agli altri che sembrava stessero avvinghiati in un abbraccio spettrale. Gli scoppi proseguivano incessanti, e quei poveretti sapevano che l’unica possibilità che era rimasta a loro era quella di attendere la fine del bombardamento, con la speranza di non venire centrati dal fuoco del nemico. Non avevano alternative oltre a quell’umile affidamento alla imperscrutabilità fate of any further action would have exposed them to greater risks. Just like the previous ones, even quell'ennesimo hell of fire and sword would end. In those moments, her head and body compressed nell'elmetto pushed against the ground the mind seeks escape route from reality confused with trips down memory, leaping between episodes and age disorderly just to keep panic at bay. Few can account for the time, the duration of those shelling, for the more relief is so strong that they just want to forget. After the explosions of grenades were terminated in an eerie silence in the accumulation of smoke and the scent of gunpowder acre are heard only the moans and the cries of the wounded but still passes the time before we move and try to bring them help. "The fields of battle ready to repel the enemy! Gunners to return fire. "The soldiers are covered with soil and put in position, accompanied by machine guns, were crackling on the horizon enemy a violent volley of shots. But it was not a real defense to an assault in progress because there was no infantry attack, was more of a reflex and a way to regain confidence in themselves and in their own military force. Even that little soldier stood up shaking off his friend who, instead, flowed back to the bottom of the trench. Had gli occhi e la bocca aperti come chi si è appena meravigliato davanti ad un evento, ed una grossa macchia scura sul petto inanimato. Il suo amico Peppino se n’era andato così, l’espressione meravigliato significava che forse non ci aveva creduto nemmeno lui che quella volta sarebbe toccato a lui. “Barella qui! Qui venite qui.” Il piccolo soldato teneva il fucile, con la baionetta innestata, puntato contro il nemico, ma di tanto in tanto sbirciava il suo amico riverso nella trincea. Il primo pensiero era per la sua integrità, ed era quello che ritornava di continuo a rassicuralo che era vivo, che non era un incubo e che non avrebbe più giocato a carte con il suo amico Peppino.
As evening
biggest betrayal of love is consumed,
is the wet dream of the maid, who is so like
not come true.
Hello guys, where does that go, that does not heal ghe Dedra.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Reason 3.0 Sound Factory Bank
Visto il grande successo del concorso dell'anno scorso di Hobbydonna e del calendario che ne è venuto fuori quest'anno lo ripropongono ma hanno unito le forze con le edizioni Lumina e Abilmente Fiera , oltre al calendario sarà creata anche una agenda che proporrà ben 2 progetti al mese. Se la matematica non mi abbandona 12 + 24 = 36 progetti che saranno scelti!!
Questi scatti li ho fatti alla fiera di Abilmente allo stand di Hobbydonna, mostrano il calendario in tutta la sua bellezza
Il concorso si chiama Protagoniste della Creatività ( qua trovate il bando del concorso ). In breve il tutto consiste nel creare un proprio oggetto e descrivere passo passo la sua realizzazione e magari scattare qualche foto dei passaggi più rilevanti. Ci sono ben 15 categorie diverse in cui ci si può sbizzarrire e si possono presentare fino a 15 progetti: si possono scegliere al massimo 5 categorie/tecniche e presentare per ogni tecnica scelta 3 progetti.
Ecco le tecniche che si possono usare , c'è veramente di tutto!
- Bigiotteria (sono ammesse tutte le tecniche ed i materiali)
- Country Painting (Country e Decorative Painting)
- Cucito Creativo (vestiario, accessori, borse, corredo per la casa)
- Decoupage (classico, pittorico, 3D, ecc…)
- Feltro (feltro ad ago, feltro ad acqua e feltro in fogli)
- Home Decor (decorazione della casa ed accessori, stencil).
- Maglia (maglia, tricotin)
- Miniature (tegole, casette, etc.)
- Mosaico
- Paste Sintetiche e Modellanti
- Patchwork (patchwork, appliquè , quilting, boutis )
- Ricamo (ricamo tradizionale con tutte le tecniche e punto croce)
- Riciclo Creativo (restauro mobili ed accessori per la casa, riutilizzo e trasformazione di tutti i tipi materiali e filati, altered art)
- Scrapbooking (scrapbooking, stamping)
- Uncinetto (uncinetto, filet, telaietti, butterfly loom, forcella)
C'è tempo fino al 15 maggio per mandare le foto
I premi?? sono ricchissimi!! Oltre alla pubblicità sul sito di Hobbydonna, la pubblicazione dei propri progetti sul calendario e sull'agenda e l'esposizione delle proprie creazioni alla fiera di Abilmente 2011 edizione autunnale ci sono:
- 1 biglietto gratuito + una riduzione per la fiera
- 3 calendari e 3 agende
- materiali messi a disposizione degli sponsor (Gutermann, Opitec, Stamperia)
- abbonamento di 1 anno a una delle riviste dell'edizione Lumina e 1 libro della stessa casa editrice
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Make Joint Rolling Machine
Well, well.
Here is an institution created by us over a hundred years ago. It was the only remaining refuge for the needy, the orphans and people with disability. It is now a modern and well equipped nursing home, a place where older people are delivered to the care of specialists, nurses (many of them are not Italian) and doctors. Subject to the exceptions and special situations now undeniable reality is this. There has been a real proliferation of these homes for the elderly in each country, and this trend can not be attributed only to the impossibility of taking care of those no longer viable. I think at the base there is a general minor share of the difficulties suffered by the elderly. Needless to hide that this requires hard work and sacrifices, and eventually everyone finds himself in front of himself and his conscience, but, in my opinion, Elder is also a treasure that is irreplaceable by any other means of technology. I grew up with my paternal grandparents, the mother I had the good fortune to know them, and them, which remain connected, I keep a beautiful memory. I was still young, I was seven. when my grandmother died, but I decided not to lose it permanently. For improvement in growth, according to his teachings, I imagined her ever-present, ready to observe my behavior and to recommend for the best.
Judging is not easy and every situation is unique, I have a amico che ha passato anni a curare sua madre e non se n’è pentito, anzi, ritiene d’essersi arricchito.
Figli e figliastri, successi e disastri.
Se oggi, e sempre più frequentemente, il figlio diventa il terminale delle aspirazioni piuttosto che delle ambizioni degli adulti, solo poche decine di anni fa, inconscia o no, era la risposta naturale al desiderio di immortalità. La sopravvivenza della specie, la continuazione della stirpe erano le motivazioni che si celavano sotto l’esigenza di avere più braccia da lavoro a disposizione, perché prima che diventassero tali, restavano per anni, comunque, solo delle bocche da sfamare. Probabilmente è per questo motivo che di figli oggi ce ne sono meno e sono meno liberi, autonomi nel loro divenire uomini, condizionati dal senso di appartenenza che è insito nei loro genitori. Chi oggi lascia che i suoi figli se ne vadano in giro per la campagna senza saper dove e con chi, ed adduce questa scelta al fatto che una volta non c’erano i pericoli che potrebbero incontrare oggi. Però può darsi che questo atteggiamento non sia che frutto dell’egoismo, e risponda al desiderio di veder realizzati i nostri propositi nei figli, così come può darsi che nei nostri padri, la scelta di lasciarci alle cure dei vicini, quasi abbandonati, non fosse dipesa da incoscienza, but by a spirit of sacrifice, as if the ultimate goal was to give the world a new possibility for human life.
E 'trivial and repetitive, perhaps even nostalgic, but they were poor and perhaps less selfish.
The speck on a daily
Even more than the date marked in red on the calendar hanging on the wall opposite, it was almost unreal silence that reigned over the surrounding remember Daniel that was Sunday. The spring sun had warmed the air and its light, gilded in the fog in the morning softened the landscape fade the colors in soft pastels. His wife was still sleeping a deep sleep and her beautiful face, emerging from the folds of the sheets, like a precious stone in a satin box. The smell of fresh coffee into the cup, had spread to the house its aroma. For a moment, but only for an imperceptible moment, he had the unpleasant feeling of being immersed in the lies, the same feeling he felt watching the advertisements of this type, too silly to be true. No, it was said, but this is reality, it is my home. He leaned forward and with the body through the open door, saw the bed in the room with her daughter, abandoned between the sheets colored, looked like an angel sleeping. In front of that note had yet to be completed and sent by email to the office. On the right edge of the sheet was checked, by hand, a date, 22.12.2077. He thought of sixty-six years that remained available to resolve the arrival of the huge meteorite, and the manner with which to divert its path. About the schema to the computer, ran the calculations and trajectories. Had risen recently and had not yet taken the usual pace, the warm air, the sun and the silence reconciled more relaxed and a slow awakening. But yes, he would have completed and returned the note later, now he felt like it. Fall back from the chair es'accorse glanced at the monitor, looking at the light, small stain. A round dal diametro poco più grande di due millimetri. Si rimise subito alla scrivania, quella macchiolina si trovava in corrispondenza del numero di anni calcolati prima che il meteorite avesse l’impatto con la terra, e quel puntino copriva la virgola che divideva quel numero per cento. Messi di fronte al monitor non si vedeva la virgola ed il numero che compariva sullo schermo risultava essere un numero intero. Purtroppo non era così, quella cifra andava divisa per cento. Un immediato ed agghiacciante sudore gli bagnò la fronte. Non c’era tempo. Altro che anni ed anni, non c’era da perdere un minuto. Premette sull’icona della posta elettronica per avvisare il centro interspaziale. Nel medesimo istante arrivò il nulla, esplose il niente more.
. Hello
Friday, March 4, 2011
Swr1242d Wiring Diagram
No! è la nuova sorella gatta della Nina. Si chiama Olivia, ha due mesi i calzini e la bandana bianca. Una nostra amica l'ha trovata nel suo cortile e noi, che già da un po' pensavamo a un secondo micio, l'abbiamo accolta senza pensarci. Ha una panza gonfissima causa parassiti ma è buffissima, quando cammina pare una donna incinta e la panciona si sposta da un lato all'altro. E' pure coccolosissima...fa gron gron anche solo fissandola a lungo e si accoccola su di me come se fosse uno scaldacollo
La Nina...gelosa...prima è rintanata nella nostra camera e precisamente sopra il divano. Ogni tanto sgattaiola di sotto per farsi una lunga passeggiata fuori e dobbiamo portarle le pappe al piano di sopra. L'altro giorno era sul termosifone del mio laboratorio e ha miagolato. Vado ad accarezzarla e continua a miagolare un po' come una donna che si lamenta di un'altra donna e ogni tanto soffiava nel vuoto. Proprio come una donna! mi ha fatto troppo ridere! spesso controlla il tutto dall'alto delle scale...
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Tally Software Expections C0000005
The woman saw that Marika had not been drinking tea and immediately insisted:
"I see that you have not tasted my tea, drink it quiet, and you will see that beautiful effect. Oh, nothing strange, but you will feel more comfortable and quiet. "
Seeing that she hesitated with cup in hand
" Come on, because I have a very long time and I have not revealed the main secret of longevity. "
A whistle sounded in the dim light of the room
'E' signal, trilling every minute until the end of the ten that I have provision. I said, the consumption of those energy marks the end of life so how can prolong life? Slowing down the consumption of everything that nourishes life. Like a fire that burns and consumes a strain, the stronger the flame burning and before the strain from which the flame to life itself. Oh no? "
Marika had put his lips to the cup and took a sip of that tea, now cold now and the only taste lukewarm water.
"To lengthen the life you live a little, and live a little at a time, so that, in life, it remains as possible to benefit from it for the future."
A second whistle interrupted his speech.
"Here I have a book, life has to be received in its prolonged nature consumed. Only then can we project our existence on the spectrum of time. "
Marika put the cup on the table
" If there is no blind adherence to the method is useless to take that path, otherwise you may think that two hundred years you're still in the world of the living. The use of the machine that you will be delivered free of charge in a week you will be fully explained in this book. "
So saying, she showed Marika a volume with the clear cover, maybe yellow. Despite the great interest that pervaded because of the penumbra was unable to grasp clearly the color.
"It is hard to read, in fact, you will like it, you'll see. The key thing is the decision, yes, irrevocable, you will commit for life, to renounce that part of life that, once saved, you can use it for your future. That the only way we can extend. Now I'm using the program three hundred, which stands for " three hundred years of life, and I only have one hour to live out of the car frogoricompos, and a week for out in the sunlight. For the intimate emotions I can burn to two months and a melancholy every fortnight. "
Marika listened bewildered because the mind remained attracted to that volume and the curiosity to discover what it contained grew more and more.
"But here, in this volume you'll find the complete tables for each type of program, for every time and age. In the part marked with a red border are those for any exceptional circumstances. "
Marika reached out shyly that she did not in any way offer it to the gesture:
"Ah, I was forgetting, of course you do not have a word of it to anyone, because the decay of the program until it is in you is running, but soon fades as it is revealed to others the air by a balloon inflated. "
As soon as the sentence, the woman rests in the hands of the book and invited her to go Marika:
" Now go I have only three minutes to settle down in frogoricompos. Good maintenance and review. "
Marika finds himself in the lane as if there had been driven by force because of the suddenness of his exit from the house. He looked so strange how it happened that Marika had the impression that it was a bad dream, and disquieting, but did not need to give yourself a pinch to make them aware of how much was real, it was enough to observe and cherish this beautiful hardback book with gold stripes he held in his way home he tried to browse that mano.Mentre text, but despite that book did force remained tightly chiuso.Ritornata at home instead of placing it on the library among other books, I carefully locked in the drawer of the table, promising to find the way to go through later, when he recovered a bit 'over calma.La evening with her friends did not last long, he could not enjoy was his usual. He felt within himself an undue burden that the sad so that even her friends noticed it and insisted in wanting to know. Marika repeated several times that he had nothing strange, and this was not sincere, and then, under the pressure of her companions said he did not know the reason, and in this respect was telling the truth. Yes, because he could not understand how, now that he had provided the opportunity to live up to the extraordinary age of three hundred years, warned that weight in his mind, as if they had been diagnosed with an incurable disease. He felt as empty and prey to a subtle but unspeakable pain. Under the guise of a trivial strong headache left the room in which she found herself with the company and returned to casa.Quella night he slept little because step of the time trying to open that volume lined with gold, to no avail. Only towards morning fatigue got the better of anxiety gripped about its future in a profound el'adagiò sonno.La woke her mother showing a stack of cardboard slightly larger than a travel bag.
"See what you have sent. What is this? Riec not read the sender, who is it that you sent it? "
. The band of
SCUE went to eat "buzzecca" for the occasion joined the band and that of the Rugnone magulòn. They feasted in the great all night, and drained coffers of wine. Eventually they were drunk and happy, too, not as the field Tonio, who has found himself with a beast in the less stable, the Dedra. The police have opened a thorough investigation, who could know the transition to the stable, the Dedra, inquitente a demand rebound in the country, not the band of the mica was SCUE?
Martion Goodcoss has become an important personality, traveling with the stock and pretends not to see the poor who are forced to pull the cart all day sfangare meet.
Hello guys, everyone, to the beautiful and the ugly, those who love the tango and to those who make bowls with Fando, those who do harm and those who do not know.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Cheapest Disneyland Kowloon
The enigma of the imperial seal
The door leads to which light
introduces the mystery of life
which is in the source go to the mouth
almost by chance that I see all the small boats in inland crossed they do it in the opposite direction to ours. All, without exception, are engaged in the slope of the current. For some 'time appeared on the left bank of the floats and groups of people, too, in almost all, run counter to ours. Someone yells from the barge to those of the shore, and among the people hath been made a sudden commotion, whose cause of Colgate, because of noise current that does not allow me to understand what you are screaming. Aldobrando got up from the bench and approached the group stationed in the bow. There is a increasing animation and the employees to have a barge to bring some work cut 'of order and calm people. Aldobrando in returning to the bench where he sits Astlet turns to me and beckons me to join them:
"To hear those peasants in the city seems to be a revolt broke out, and this is why we see so many people away from it and head north, at least to give custody to that which tells that skinny with red blouse, the one sitting next to the cage with the hawk.
Without turning his hand to us about a man who from his back sitting on the edge of the barge, is con lo sguardo rivolto alla riva sinistra ed è impegnato a fondo nel tentativo di dialogare con le persone che da là vi stanno transitando. In effetti, aben guardare, il muoversi di quella gente da l’idea di un esodo. Camminano spediti a gruppi familiari, vedo donne con i piccoli in braccio e dei carri su cui hanno caricato di tutto:
“Se ho inteso bene attraverso i loro racconti, comunque abbastanza confusi, di certo si sa che in città c’è in atto una rivolta, per il resto le notizie sono più vaghe ed incerte. Sulle forze che si fronteggiano e sulle cause che l’hanno scatenata non c’è una versione univoca, c’è chi parla di una signoria che was raised against the count. More of a garrison that attacked the tower by way of wages to be charged. She joined the public forcing the garrison to retreat into the barracks leaving the city at the mercy of uncontrolled bands of insurgents. This would explain the exodus of those poor souls who see travel to the shore. Some of them will be forced to leave all layers have, moreover, when it comes to save his skin, suddenly everything else becomes superfluous and is decreasing. "
Above the treetops in the direction south, you see two towers silhouetted against the sky, which move around and over. in waves. dense clouds of black smoke, chiara conferma degli incendi sottostanti.
Astlet non si scompone, socchiude gli occhi per focalizzare meglio l’orizzonte, e poi, con il suo tipico fare pacato prende a parlare tranquillamente, come se stesse borbottando qualcosa tra sé e sè:
“Quando c’è un potere che governa ed elargisce ordine, i sudditi si sentono oppressi e soggiogati, invece quando questo viene a mancare, il popolo si trasforma in un piccolo bambino sperduto che va in cerca della sua mamma. E’ la regola dell’onere e dell’onore, del dare e dell’avere, della vittima e del carnefice.”
Aldobrando trial was put in the meantime to look closely at the edge of the left:
"They are two sides of same coin, this is the condition given to us to live."
A sudden glare of the sun catches my eye, I notice that the big stick that Astlet always keeps with him, as if part of his body, sent a twinkle while the old man supported him to the bench. That's funny though, a club that glitters, probably a small shiny stone's clung or stuck in the bark.
Aldobrando is' \u200b\u200bso taken by the study of the shore that does not turn either. Now I can say I know enough to expect something new, and for the great care with which he analyzes the movement of the current towards the shore, which for the relocation of the vegetation that favors the river, or the distance that separates us from the earth:
"Well, I say it's better if we go down before reaching the port. If the city is in chaos, with gangs that roam uncontrolled in his ways, for us, which, remember, we are simply merchants, the situation is becoming too dangerous. It's best if we shelter here, nearby, among these people who are leaving the city in a hurry to venture out, and then for the night, in an area out of control. Here at least we will enjoy the benefit of having a safer place where to stay. Then, tomorrow, and calmly necessary, and, we hope, the anger subsided in the city, Bijper're going to see how the situation evolved. "
Astlet nods
Force guys,
that life pays off.