An unknown idiot nicknamed Basil
A sudden flash yellow followed by a drawling hissing wound left a cross in the darkness of night. Not even the time that the light should come to illuminate the ground that a violent blast shook, in a swirl of dirt, all around. "Stay down. Stay covered! "The words shouted loudly echoed by Lieutenant-guns to the booth, located in the bottom of the trench, but the men huddled in that gut of excavated earth and rock hard, not heard. were collected in the trench, glued to the wall as if they wanted, like moles, penetrate deep in the earth. The explosions are propagated to the entire perimeter of that face, incessant, accompanied by bursts of machine guns. In a short time a dense smoke took possession of the air and there was even buried in the trenches. Men rimanevano inchiodati alla parete della trincea ma non immobili, i loro corpi erano percorsi da un tremore irrefrenabile. In quel frangente la concitazione dell’animo di chi si sente perduto e che viene chiamata paura, la faceva da padrona in quella fossa. Alla luce balenante delle granate e dei razzi illuminanti, i corpi dei soldati stavano così vicini gli uni agli altri che sembrava stessero avvinghiati in un abbraccio spettrale. Gli scoppi proseguivano incessanti, e quei poveretti sapevano che l’unica possibilità che era rimasta a loro era quella di attendere la fine del bombardamento, con la speranza di non venire centrati dal fuoco del nemico. Non avevano alternative oltre a quell’umile affidamento alla imperscrutabilità fate of any further action would have exposed them to greater risks. Just like the previous ones, even quell'ennesimo hell of fire and sword would end. In those moments, her head and body compressed nell'elmetto pushed against the ground the mind seeks escape route from reality confused with trips down memory, leaping between episodes and age disorderly just to keep panic at bay. Few can account for the time, the duration of those shelling, for the more relief is so strong that they just want to forget. After the explosions of grenades were terminated in an eerie silence in the accumulation of smoke and the scent of gunpowder acre are heard only the moans and the cries of the wounded but still passes the time before we move and try to bring them help. "The fields of battle ready to repel the enemy! Gunners to return fire. "The soldiers are covered with soil and put in position, accompanied by machine guns, were crackling on the horizon enemy a violent volley of shots. But it was not a real defense to an assault in progress because there was no infantry attack, was more of a reflex and a way to regain confidence in themselves and in their own military force. Even that little soldier stood up shaking off his friend who, instead, flowed back to the bottom of the trench. Had gli occhi e la bocca aperti come chi si è appena meravigliato davanti ad un evento, ed una grossa macchia scura sul petto inanimato. Il suo amico Peppino se n’era andato così, l’espressione meravigliato significava che forse non ci aveva creduto nemmeno lui che quella volta sarebbe toccato a lui. “Barella qui! Qui venite qui.” Il piccolo soldato teneva il fucile, con la baionetta innestata, puntato contro il nemico, ma di tanto in tanto sbirciava il suo amico riverso nella trincea. Il primo pensiero era per la sua integrità, ed era quello che ritornava di continuo a rassicuralo che era vivo, che non era un incubo e che non avrebbe più giocato a carte con il suo amico Peppino.
As evening
biggest betrayal of love is consumed,
is the wet dream of the maid, who is so like
not come true.
Hello guys, where does that go, that does not heal ghe Dedra.
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