The enigma of the imperial seal
The door leads to which light
introduces the mystery of life
which is in the source go to the mouth
almost by chance that I see all the small boats in inland crossed they do it in the opposite direction to ours. All, without exception, are engaged in the slope of the current. For some 'time appeared on the left bank of the floats and groups of people, too, in almost all, run counter to ours. Someone yells from the barge to those of the shore, and among the people hath been made a sudden commotion, whose cause of Colgate, because of noise current that does not allow me to understand what you are screaming. Aldobrando got up from the bench and approached the group stationed in the bow. There is a increasing animation and the employees to have a barge to bring some work cut 'of order and calm people. Aldobrando in returning to the bench where he sits Astlet turns to me and beckons me to join them:
"To hear those peasants in the city seems to be a revolt broke out, and this is why we see so many people away from it and head north, at least to give custody to that which tells that skinny with red blouse, the one sitting next to the cage with the hawk.
Without turning his hand to us about a man who from his back sitting on the edge of the barge, is con lo sguardo rivolto alla riva sinistra ed è impegnato a fondo nel tentativo di dialogare con le persone che da là vi stanno transitando. In effetti, aben guardare, il muoversi di quella gente da l’idea di un esodo. Camminano spediti a gruppi familiari, vedo donne con i piccoli in braccio e dei carri su cui hanno caricato di tutto:
“Se ho inteso bene attraverso i loro racconti, comunque abbastanza confusi, di certo si sa che in città c’è in atto una rivolta, per il resto le notizie sono più vaghe ed incerte. Sulle forze che si fronteggiano e sulle cause che l’hanno scatenata non c’è una versione univoca, c’è chi parla di una signoria che was raised against the count. More of a garrison that attacked the tower by way of wages to be charged. She joined the public forcing the garrison to retreat into the barracks leaving the city at the mercy of uncontrolled bands of insurgents. This would explain the exodus of those poor souls who see travel to the shore. Some of them will be forced to leave all layers have, moreover, when it comes to save his skin, suddenly everything else becomes superfluous and is decreasing. "
Above the treetops in the direction south, you see two towers silhouetted against the sky, which move around and over. in waves. dense clouds of black smoke, chiara conferma degli incendi sottostanti.
Astlet non si scompone, socchiude gli occhi per focalizzare meglio l’orizzonte, e poi, con il suo tipico fare pacato prende a parlare tranquillamente, come se stesse borbottando qualcosa tra sé e sè:
“Quando c’è un potere che governa ed elargisce ordine, i sudditi si sentono oppressi e soggiogati, invece quando questo viene a mancare, il popolo si trasforma in un piccolo bambino sperduto che va in cerca della sua mamma. E’ la regola dell’onere e dell’onore, del dare e dell’avere, della vittima e del carnefice.”
Aldobrando trial was put in the meantime to look closely at the edge of the left:
"They are two sides of same coin, this is the condition given to us to live."
A sudden glare of the sun catches my eye, I notice that the big stick that Astlet always keeps with him, as if part of his body, sent a twinkle while the old man supported him to the bench. That's funny though, a club that glitters, probably a small shiny stone's clung or stuck in the bark.
Aldobrando is' \u200b\u200bso taken by the study of the shore that does not turn either. Now I can say I know enough to expect something new, and for the great care with which he analyzes the movement of the current towards the shore, which for the relocation of the vegetation that favors the river, or the distance that separates us from the earth:
"Well, I say it's better if we go down before reaching the port. If the city is in chaos, with gangs that roam uncontrolled in his ways, for us, which, remember, we are simply merchants, the situation is becoming too dangerous. It's best if we shelter here, nearby, among these people who are leaving the city in a hurry to venture out, and then for the night, in an area out of control. Here at least we will enjoy the benefit of having a safer place where to stay. Then, tomorrow, and calmly necessary, and, we hope, the anger subsided in the city, Bijper're going to see how the situation evolved. "
Astlet nods
Force guys,
that life pays off.
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