The woman saw that Marika had not been drinking tea and immediately insisted:
"I see that you have not tasted my tea, drink it quiet, and you will see that beautiful effect. Oh, nothing strange, but you will feel more comfortable and quiet. "
Seeing that she hesitated with cup in hand
" Come on, because I have a very long time and I have not revealed the main secret of longevity. "
A whistle sounded in the dim light of the room
'E' signal, trilling every minute until the end of the ten that I have provision. I said, the consumption of those energy marks the end of life so how can prolong life? Slowing down the consumption of everything that nourishes life. Like a fire that burns and consumes a strain, the stronger the flame burning and before the strain from which the flame to life itself. Oh no? "
Marika had put his lips to the cup and took a sip of that tea, now cold now and the only taste lukewarm water.
"To lengthen the life you live a little, and live a little at a time, so that, in life, it remains as possible to benefit from it for the future."
A second whistle interrupted his speech.
"Here I have a book, life has to be received in its prolonged nature consumed. Only then can we project our existence on the spectrum of time. "
Marika put the cup on the table
" If there is no blind adherence to the method is useless to take that path, otherwise you may think that two hundred years you're still in the world of the living. The use of the machine that you will be delivered free of charge in a week you will be fully explained in this book. "
So saying, she showed Marika a volume with the clear cover, maybe yellow. Despite the great interest that pervaded because of the penumbra was unable to grasp clearly the color.
"It is hard to read, in fact, you will like it, you'll see. The key thing is the decision, yes, irrevocable, you will commit for life, to renounce that part of life that, once saved, you can use it for your future. That the only way we can extend. Now I'm using the program three hundred, which stands for " three hundred years of life, and I only have one hour to live out of the car frogoricompos, and a week for out in the sunlight. For the intimate emotions I can burn to two months and a melancholy every fortnight. "
Marika listened bewildered because the mind remained attracted to that volume and the curiosity to discover what it contained grew more and more.
"But here, in this volume you'll find the complete tables for each type of program, for every time and age. In the part marked with a red border are those for any exceptional circumstances. "
Marika reached out shyly that she did not in any way offer it to the gesture:
"Ah, I was forgetting, of course you do not have a word of it to anyone, because the decay of the program until it is in you is running, but soon fades as it is revealed to others the air by a balloon inflated. "
As soon as the sentence, the woman rests in the hands of the book and invited her to go Marika:
" Now go I have only three minutes to settle down in frogoricompos. Good maintenance and review. "
Marika finds himself in the lane as if there had been driven by force because of the suddenness of his exit from the house. He looked so strange how it happened that Marika had the impression that it was a bad dream, and disquieting, but did not need to give yourself a pinch to make them aware of how much was real, it was enough to observe and cherish this beautiful hardback book with gold stripes he held in his way home he tried to browse that mano.Mentre text, but despite that book did force remained tightly chiuso.Ritornata at home instead of placing it on the library among other books, I carefully locked in the drawer of the table, promising to find the way to go through later, when he recovered a bit 'over calma.La evening with her friends did not last long, he could not enjoy was his usual. He felt within himself an undue burden that the sad so that even her friends noticed it and insisted in wanting to know. Marika repeated several times that he had nothing strange, and this was not sincere, and then, under the pressure of her companions said he did not know the reason, and in this respect was telling the truth. Yes, because he could not understand how, now that he had provided the opportunity to live up to the extraordinary age of three hundred years, warned that weight in his mind, as if they had been diagnosed with an incurable disease. He felt as empty and prey to a subtle but unspeakable pain. Under the guise of a trivial strong headache left the room in which she found herself with the company and returned to casa.Quella night he slept little because step of the time trying to open that volume lined with gold, to no avail. Only towards morning fatigue got the better of anxiety gripped about its future in a profound el'adagiò sonno.La woke her mother showing a stack of cardboard slightly larger than a travel bag.
"See what you have sent. What is this? Riec not read the sender, who is it that you sent it? "
. The band of
SCUE went to eat "buzzecca" for the occasion joined the band and that of the Rugnone magulòn. They feasted in the great all night, and drained coffers of wine. Eventually they were drunk and happy, too, not as the field Tonio, who has found himself with a beast in the less stable, the Dedra. The police have opened a thorough investigation, who could know the transition to the stable, the Dedra, inquitente a demand rebound in the country, not the band of the mica was SCUE?
Martion Goodcoss has become an important personality, traveling with the stock and pretends not to see the poor who are forced to pull the cart all day sfangare meet.
Hello guys, everyone, to the beautiful and the ugly, those who love the tango and to those who make bowls with Fando, those who do harm and those who do not know.
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