Well, well.
Here is an institution created by us over a hundred years ago. It was the only remaining refuge for the needy, the orphans and people with disability. It is now a modern and well equipped nursing home, a place where older people are delivered to the care of specialists, nurses (many of them are not Italian) and doctors. Subject to the exceptions and special situations now undeniable reality is this. There has been a real proliferation of these homes for the elderly in each country, and this trend can not be attributed only to the impossibility of taking care of those no longer viable. I think at the base there is a general minor share of the difficulties suffered by the elderly. Needless to hide that this requires hard work and sacrifices, and eventually everyone finds himself in front of himself and his conscience, but, in my opinion, Elder is also a treasure that is irreplaceable by any other means of technology. I grew up with my paternal grandparents, the mother I had the good fortune to know them, and them, which remain connected, I keep a beautiful memory. I was still young, I was seven. when my grandmother died, but I decided not to lose it permanently. For improvement in growth, according to his teachings, I imagined her ever-present, ready to observe my behavior and to recommend for the best.
Judging is not easy and every situation is unique, I have a amico che ha passato anni a curare sua madre e non se n’è pentito, anzi, ritiene d’essersi arricchito.
Figli e figliastri, successi e disastri.
Se oggi, e sempre più frequentemente, il figlio diventa il terminale delle aspirazioni piuttosto che delle ambizioni degli adulti, solo poche decine di anni fa, inconscia o no, era la risposta naturale al desiderio di immortalità. La sopravvivenza della specie, la continuazione della stirpe erano le motivazioni che si celavano sotto l’esigenza di avere più braccia da lavoro a disposizione, perché prima che diventassero tali, restavano per anni, comunque, solo delle bocche da sfamare. Probabilmente è per questo motivo che di figli oggi ce ne sono meno e sono meno liberi, autonomi nel loro divenire uomini, condizionati dal senso di appartenenza che è insito nei loro genitori. Chi oggi lascia che i suoi figli se ne vadano in giro per la campagna senza saper dove e con chi, ed adduce questa scelta al fatto che una volta non c’erano i pericoli che potrebbero incontrare oggi. Però può darsi che questo atteggiamento non sia che frutto dell’egoismo, e risponda al desiderio di veder realizzati i nostri propositi nei figli, così come può darsi che nei nostri padri, la scelta di lasciarci alle cure dei vicini, quasi abbandonati, non fosse dipesa da incoscienza, but by a spirit of sacrifice, as if the ultimate goal was to give the world a new possibility for human life.
E 'trivial and repetitive, perhaps even nostalgic, but they were poor and perhaps less selfish.
The speck on a daily
Even more than the date marked in red on the calendar hanging on the wall opposite, it was almost unreal silence that reigned over the surrounding remember Daniel that was Sunday. The spring sun had warmed the air and its light, gilded in the fog in the morning softened the landscape fade the colors in soft pastels. His wife was still sleeping a deep sleep and her beautiful face, emerging from the folds of the sheets, like a precious stone in a satin box. The smell of fresh coffee into the cup, had spread to the house its aroma. For a moment, but only for an imperceptible moment, he had the unpleasant feeling of being immersed in the lies, the same feeling he felt watching the advertisements of this type, too silly to be true. No, it was said, but this is reality, it is my home. He leaned forward and with the body through the open door, saw the bed in the room with her daughter, abandoned between the sheets colored, looked like an angel sleeping. In front of that note had yet to be completed and sent by email to the office. On the right edge of the sheet was checked, by hand, a date, 22.12.2077. He thought of sixty-six years that remained available to resolve the arrival of the huge meteorite, and the manner with which to divert its path. About the schema to the computer, ran the calculations and trajectories. Had risen recently and had not yet taken the usual pace, the warm air, the sun and the silence reconciled more relaxed and a slow awakening. But yes, he would have completed and returned the note later, now he felt like it. Fall back from the chair es'accorse glanced at the monitor, looking at the light, small stain. A round dal diametro poco più grande di due millimetri. Si rimise subito alla scrivania, quella macchiolina si trovava in corrispondenza del numero di anni calcolati prima che il meteorite avesse l’impatto con la terra, e quel puntino copriva la virgola che divideva quel numero per cento. Messi di fronte al monitor non si vedeva la virgola ed il numero che compariva sullo schermo risultava essere un numero intero. Purtroppo non era così, quella cifra andava divisa per cento. Un immediato ed agghiacciante sudore gli bagnò la fronte. Non c’era tempo. Altro che anni ed anni, non c’era da perdere un minuto. Premette sull’icona della posta elettronica per avvisare il centro interspaziale. Nel medesimo istante arrivò il nulla, esplose il niente more.
. Hello
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