Monday, February 28, 2011

Free Band Poster Templates

... tired

e' finalmente giunta la mezzanotte e il concorso che I launched my blog of knitting / crochet and other techniques ended. The last time I counted was 84 but had the 20 projects, I think they have arrived then 5-7 other projects, the last at 23:57 to 3 minutes far from the expiry of the time.
I was surprised by the success, for all projects submitted to the usual time but I am also a bit 'fed up, in order to keep pace with the time I had to stop publishing other posts and devote so much space just to the competition public in recent weeks 2-4 projects per day. Virtually all I do. Today I am making even create the survey for the vote on the jury ....
When it all ends I close the blog for one week, but also 5 days. And I dedicate this to that poor man has suffered so much. Only 7 post in a month.
The funny thing is, but I can not take leave from knitting and crochet to finish because I have a bag, two caps and make a tutorial on a kit to finish a beautiful bag

This is the bag creche which is ...

luck I've also sewing projects in the midst of the otherwise dying wool

Then I've got to also apply for a competition, I doubt you will be fine, there will be one thousand thousand midwives who have worked with only the first of somewhere have 15 points on 50 more than me .... not to mention che c'è una prova orale e io non sono particolarmente brava. Ma ci provo! (resta anche il fatto che il posto sarebbe in un ospedale che non amo il zoldo è sempre ben voluto se arriva!)

Oggi è finito pure febbraio. Ricordo che è dal 1 gennaio che non fumo! Olè!!

Oggi festeggio 20 anni in Italia. Magari prima o poi metto bianco su nero i ricordi di quel viaggio e di quel giorno che tanto hanno segnato la mia vita

Detto questo vi comunico che giovedì 3 sarò ad abilmente, credo per tutta la giornata così faccio un bel po' di public relescion, foto e conoscenze. Qualcuna ci va? ci si trova per un caffe?

Seriové číslo Nero Expres

Eric Clapton / John Mayall's Bluesbreakers - "All Your Love"

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jogo Littlest Pet Shop

Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows The

Ptac Install In Chicago

dark alley and the moon

Il vicolo oscuro e l'ombra della luna

Solo allora Marika si accorse del tavolino basso che aveva davanti ai piedi sui c’era una teiera fumante affiancata da due tazzine e da una zuccheriera.

“Metto la zuccheriera solo per aver soddisfazione che provo a non aggiungere dolcificante alla bevanda.”

Porse la tazzina colma di tè a Marika che, con gesto meccanico la ricevette nella mano destra:

“Lo zucchero ha molteplici effetti negativi, sia fisici che chimici, senza parlare dell’infausta influenza che esercita sulla psiche.”

Marika non avvertì il classico vapore profumato che sale dalle tazze quando l’infuso è ancora caldo.

“Non mi dilungherò oltre il tempo che mi è concesso per oggi, e poi le cose che devo dire non sono molte. Le regole che ti enuncerò sono precise e devono essere seguite con metodo ed inflessibilità. Anche la più piccole delle deroghe rovinerà per sempre il progetto dei trecento anni. Infatti è di questo che ti voglio parlare, seguendo le indicazioni che ora ti darò si può vivere fino a trecento anni mantenendo un aspetto giovanile, e tu ieri ne hai avuto la prova.”

Marika teneva la tazza tra le mani appoggiate sulle ginocchia e non aveva ancora bevuto un solo sorso di quella bevanda. Inconsapevolmente s’era irrigidita e messa sulla difensiva, in sovrappiù uno sgradevole odore aveva preso a ristagnare sotto il suo naso.

Rimaneva come ipnotizzata a fissare quel viso devastato dalle rughe che nella penombra andava ad assumere, in base al muovere delle labbra, espressioni diverse quantunque orride.

“Devi sapere che a noi viene consegnato, al momento della nascita, un patrimonio vitale fatto di energia, emozioni, dolori, gioie, e tutto ciò non ha un valore illimitato, ma ha una quantificazione che varia da persona a persona.”

A sudden trill sounded so strong that Marika jumped to the surprise of the risk of pouring tea on her legs.

"Oh, see how the weather has not always in a hurry and never expected our expectations. E 'frigoricompositore of the alarm in ten minutes I have to pick up in the cab of molecular replacement. "

Before Marika exert its full awe and wondering what he was talking about the woman replied,

" E' tool indispensable to the consolidation of a juvenile. Each of us has available to assign one to those who want, and I'm happy to be able to offer you. Will not cost you anything except a place to allocate it. A closed and protected from light, which as you know, is one of the largest consumers of life that exist in nature. "

The woman saw that Marika had not been drinking tea and immediately insisted:

" I see you have not yet tasted my tea, drink it quiet, and you will see that beautiful effect. Oh, nothing strange, but you will feel more comfortable and quiet. "

Seeing that she hesitated with cup in hand

" Come on, why not have much time and I have not yet revealed the main secret of longevity. "

A whistle sounded in the dim light the room:

"E 'signal, trilling every minute until the end of the ten that I have available. I said, the consumption of those energy marks the end of life so how can prolong life? Slowing down the consumption of everything that nourishes life. Like a fire that burns and consumes a strain, the stronger the flame burning and before the strain from which the flame to life itself. Oh no? "

Marika had put his lips to the cup and took a sip of that tea, now cold now and the only taste of the warm water.

"To lengthen the life you live a little, and live a little at a time, so that it remains the most possible to take advantage in the future. "

A second whistle interrupted his speech.

"Here I have a book, life has to be received in its prolonged nature consumed. Only then can we project our existence on the spectrum of time. "

Marika put the cup on the table

" If there is no blind adherence to the method is useless to take that path, otherwise you may think that two hundred years you're still in the world of the living. The use of the machine that will be sent without charge in a week is explained in this book. "

So saying she showed Marika a volume with the clear cover, perhaps yellow in the dim light he could not understand clearly the color.

"It is difficult indeed to like it, you'll see. The important thing is to be decided in giving up the life that the only way it can be extended. I have now given an extra hour a day out of the car, and a week in the sunshine. Two emotions month, a melancholy every fortnight. However here, in this volume you'll find the complete tables for each time and age. In the part marked with a red border are those for any exceptional circumstances. "




Hello guys,

how it goes, said the time to age. Go, oh if it goes, he goes from there.

so and so, Pedro .

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Oxford Health Insurance Review



of February

will tell you how he went. According to the calculations would have been born in early March, but no one had calculated the great desire of life that animated quell'esserino that swam in the womb of its mother. Towards evening she began to squirm and occasionally kicking. Assolutissimamente wanted to be born. Even then, back in the genesis shows how the heart had a predominant role in the composition of his being. He struggled so much momentum in the life that broke the water and forced his mother to the hospital street. Who was born at night and when he opened his eyes, the fog light of a virgin, she was hugged and touched by the tender gaze of her father. It was the bright light of happiness in those eyes her father's first moment of life.

The father forgot all what he wanted, what he feared, and was hooked on that delicate little body that moved her arms as if he wanted, even then, embrace it.

Outside it was cold and had started to snow, even with the arrival of some windy swirls soon expanded into the storm. The man closed nel cappotto, si calò il cappello in testa e prese la strada di casa. La neve copiosa che già aveva riempito la strada non gli fu di nessun intralcio, quell’uomo aveva negli occhi la luce che ardeva in quelli della figlia appena nata ed ai piedi aveva le ali, volava leggero sulla neve, ebbro di felicità.

Quando la notte mostra il cielo delle due lune, il recondito ancestrale ci riporta là, a quell’attimo che si è ripetuto nel nostro divenire altro, qualsiasi altro, tranne quella scintilla immutabile.


Datemi una musica,

datemi dei versi

che ho voglia di volare

con il cuore nella mente.



Friday, February 25, 2011

Use Instead Of Reblochon Cheese

The enigma of the imperial seal

The enigma of the imperial seal


The door leads to which light

introduces the mystery of life

which is in the source go to the mouth

come down the lane and head towards the River. We're going to take the barge to the port which is located just outside the walls, the side that faces the sunset. To see the crowd there is, despite the early hour, he argues that this river journey is one of the most important streets of the city. The place to sail is not far from the inn of a pilgrim, but because of the influx of people on the path we are forced to proceed in a row, one behind the other to the pier. The vessel, which is moored at a pier in stone and can be reached via a wooden walkway, is similar to a large raft, the central part of which were fixed benches sheltered by a roof made of reeds, slightly higher than of a man standing behind. Throughout the rear perimeter of the hull, have set up a fence for the transport of animals, including, in one space, prepared and fenced, are placed horses that have the task of towing the barge upstream, once the outward journey. The remainder of the vessel is a flat, unadorned table where you can set up as passengers, mostly farmers from bundling goods to sell at the market Bijpert.

Access to the barge follows strict rules, priority is given to the lineage and money, then climb to follow the social pyramid, down, to those who, not being able to have money, fits to trade in a narrow and cramped nature of space on the edge front, the one most exposed to the risks of navigation. We, thanks to the availability of monetary Aldobrando not struggle to find a place, indeed, we settle on a comfortable bench in the tectorial while the horses are a bit 'hay in the pen.

Fortunately, today seems to want to stay on the beautiful day with clear skies, warm air now moved by a barely perceptible breeze. I hope that continues because, you see the water dark and deep river, of which I see not the bottom, I, not being a swimmer, I do not feel completely calm, and, remembering a misadventure capitatami few years ago, when it accidentally slipped into a canal risked drowning if it were not for the providential intervention of my friend Bernard, I feel a slight uneasiness.

That's how I remember him suddenly, my old shows that I left the hermitage. Who knows how it will stay now. I wonder if you have recovered from that blow to the head, but now as a conditioned reflex to think I take Odetta.

Before the red towers that rise between the trees still bare, indicating the proximity of the city of Bijpert is the growth of vessel traffic. Emerge as if by magic from the wooded banks, has formed a parade of small boats of fishermen and traders with the simultaneous thinning of the vegetation of the banks. On the right bank, flanked the road on which you need to hitch lifts to the current, appeared via a second, wider and lined with stones placed at regular distances from each other.

I watch the scene between a yawn and another, I am wearing a tired indolent. Maybe because I did not do anything but sit around all day, letting myself in this, from navigating slow and doze on the barge on the river current. Aldobrando Astlet and remained for most of the time sitting on the bench as if they knew each other, engrossed in some kind of thoughts, and, at least from what I've seen, I do not think it is exchanged for very long speeches. Me, I'm a little behind, sitting on the floor with his back against the fence of the animals, I have the task of guarding the bags. For the first time I am aware that the desire to tie the game feeling. At the same moment when I become aware of my departure from dell'inesorabilità Odetta, like a strange compendium interior, I find myself even more attached to her. As a disease of the mind, every chance I find myself thinking.

Durante il viaggio la chiatta ha fatto tre fermate in corrispondenza di altrettanti villaggi, e son saliti soprattutto altri contadini con la povera merce che in una primavera, seppur precoce, la terra concede. Il paesaggio che ci accoglie è in tutto simile a quello che abbiamo lasciato; Il corso del fiume si snoda sinuoso tra monti coperti di boschi ed è forse questo uno dei motivi che fan sì che la chiatta, nella navigazione, stia nel mezzo del fiume, lontano dalle rive.

Mi accorgo quasi per caso che tutte le piccole imbarcazioni che incrociamo nella navigazione lo fanno in senso inverso al nostro. Tutte, nessuna esclusa, sono impegnate nella risalita della corrente. Da un po’ time appeared on the left bank of the floats and groups of people, too, in almost all run counter to ours. Someone yells something from the barge to those of the bank, but among the people hath been made a sudden commotion and I do not know what I take you are screaming.
Hello guys,
that luck with us to be benign.
Pedro .

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Has Anyone Had Uterine Ablation

Edor Park - 14

Park Edor

No 14

In moving towards the south, the height of a large dell'Avviluppo said, by a bumpy dirt road full of potholes and occasional tufts of grass, surrounded by the perimeter of large mulberry trees perennially green, on Silkworm has impressive sets, we will be faced at the crest of the times. We need to know that once they enter the square and placed his feet on the dusty ground that there will be more likely to retrace their steps. From that point on, you can only move freely for the area bounded by mulberry or take the road that branches off from there, always toward the south. Indeed it is a close path traced on the profile of a rock, a stone dark and shiny, deep in stagnant water that partly covered by water plants. The left side of the path because that path has only one direction and heads south, I said that the party is to the left of the ridge is called "quilting past," while the right hand side you'll find there is the "emptiness of becoming" . At that moment the sun rises and sets north to south, so who will walk the path to project its shadow only on the same path, having at sunrise in front and behind at dusk. In this latter fashion vision of the landscape that accompanies the journey will not be polluted by the projection delle ombre di chi transita sulla cresta. Se procederete lentamente alla vostra sinistra potrete ammirare le stupende colonie fiorite di tonalità rosse e bianche delle rimembranze, i grappoli blu dei rimpianti, le ondeggianti spighe verdi delle incoscienze. Di contro alla vostra destra sarete abbagliati dai riflessi da piantagioni di sogni, dalle sfumature viola in campi azzurri delle foglie di nodosi desideri, dall’armonia lussureggiante delle piante dei “senza limiti verrà”, del sinuoso intrecciarsi dei filamenti neri delle paure con gli amaranto delle angosce. La cresta è la strada che porta a queste terre ma è anche il limite invalicabile, il perenne muro che le mantiene divise, ben distinte each other. Only those who have tried to see more, or dwelt too long to gaze at the scenery could not complete the journey.


time he met and quickly, amazed, he said, but why are you running? The haste, without stopping he turned and answered, but because they were running behind me?


When you meet a disappointment, whatever it is, do not follow it, because it often comes back.


Hello guys, the good fortune to show up, I know.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Why Is My Stoolblack After Drinking Wine

A shower of colors

A quanto pare si sta spargendo la voce che mi piace fare da cavia per i prodotti e oggi mi è arrivato un bel pacchetto dalla Palmolive . Non sapevo cosa avrei trovato dentro e per me che son curiosa è una manna dal cielo! Ho aperto la busta e sono fuoriesciti disordinatamente 6 bagnoschiuma tutti diversi, tutti colorati! Pare che facciano parte delle nuove linee Aromatherapy e Thermal, vere e proprie " Gocce di Benessere ". Non ancora pratica ho avvisato subito ed è partito il conto alla rovescia: avevo 72 ore per scrivere il post e in teoria li dovevo provare tutti.

Tipo che ho programmato 2 docce al giorno ma nel dubbio ho coinvolto pure il mi omo a provarli così sarei stata certa di avere un parere su tutti

Tra tutti e sei i prodotti ho deciso di iniziare con Mineral Massage, quello che c'ha i pirulini dentro (con sale del mar Morto) , fa un lieve scrub e per aumentare l'effetto ho usato pure il mio guanto grattoso. Ottimo per ripulire il viso dalle cellule morte perchè è delicato e non aggredisce la pelle. Sono bella morbidosa anche senza crema!!

Il secondo bagnoschiuma lo volevo scegliere in base al profumo... ma tanto son profumati e buoni che non ho potuto fare una scelta e mi son ritrovata inebriata dai profumi

Nemmeno ci son riuscita in base al colore, son troppo belli e ispirano tutti ad essere usati. Quindi sono ricorsa ai vecchi metodi per scegliere... La CONTA!!

Sensual, il rosso si è rilevato perfetto per dopo la palestra (si, ho finalmente iniziato la palestra, questa era la seconda volta che ci andavo... non ridete o fate illazioni, ce la farò!!)

Al mi omo ho fatto provare Thermal Fresh, quello turchese , l'altro della linea termale insieme allo scrub ai sali marini, visto che il profumo è più da omo (a sentir lui!)

Il mattino successivo ho usato quello verde, la frase "Morning tonic" e il profumino al limone e mandarino mi ha un po' aiutata a risvegliarmi da un sonno profondo.

L'ultima mattina ho Nourishing tried, that yellow, which contains essential oil of almond and vanilla (and type would be one of my favorite scents!)

last evening to round off what I am left and purple label it says "Absolute Relaxation" ... pity not to have a bath!

never been so clean and fragrant in winter, are all good and I do not know how will they live now in these six bottles of soap in my shower ... I'll have to make tough choices! Although they are so fragrant

while using a halo after not leave a heavy scent and can put your own fragrance without sounding a potpourri of smells.

Articolo sponsorizzato

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mount & Blade Secrets

The dark alley and the shadow of the moon's

The dark alley

and the shadow of the moon

No Trace 6

"Come, come near me. Sit down to take a cup of tea while we chat. "

Marika hesitated, now no longer knew whether to accept the invitation of the woman had been a good idea. It felt strange stories of people who disappeared, violence varied.

A tremor suddenly began to flow throughout the body simultaneously with an increase in heart of growing on his face flushing.

"Come on, come on and get comfy. How are you? All right? How andata la festa di compleanno?”

La voce della donna aveva mantenuto il tratto armonico del giorno prima, anche se emergeva un sottofondo respirato, come se l’afflusso di fiato fosse difficoltoso:

Marika si avviò lentamente verso quella sagoma che emergeva dall’ombra. Stante la permanente oscurità prese a camminare con cautela per non inciampare:

“Si, bene. Grazie. E’ stata una delle feste meglio riuscite. C’erano tutte le mie amiche ed i miei amici più cari. E’ stata proprio un bella festa. Ci siamo divertiti un mondo.”

Non era nemmeno una risposta, e Marika, mentre parlava, ne era consapevole, e non era nemmeno una frase di circumstance, rather suffer in the sound of her voice found a foothold to cling to in the dark quiet. He had the sudden desire to place his hands in order to feel any obstacles that were placed in the way its uncertain path. In fact, spread his arms as he moved in small steps towards that light.

A sudden pain struck by the strong right foot up and up, towards the abdomen. A stifled groan burst from his throat in response to the consciousness of having struck, with the ankle, a pointed object.

Struck by grief, he found himself in retreat, without realizing it, sitting on a couch not far from the woman. The thing was così repentina che non seppe se ciò era da imputare all’essersi sbilanciata in avanti con il corpo a causa dell’inciampo, oppure fosse dipeso solo dal fatto di aver raggiunto quel comodo sofà. Non avvertiva più nessun dolore, proprio come se non lo avesse mai sentito. La superficie del divano era morbida ed accogliente, tanto che ebbe l’impressione che fosse il mobile che adeguasse la forma modellandola al suo corpo e non viceversa.

Da quella posizione, con la lampada alle spalle, aveva a disposizione di luce tutto l’appartamento. Se quella donna diceva d’avere centocinqantasei anni il mobilio che arredava quel luogo ne aveva certamente di più. Non essendo un’esperta di mobili non seppe dare the style of an era as a whole if not that, however, it was antique furniture.

He turned to the woman who, in the meantime had come forward and had revealed the face that until then had remained hidden in the shadows.

instinctively drew back frightened Marika. Do not know why he did not move from where he had loan, but his body was all nailed a riot in fear. That smooth-skinned young face had become a concentration of wrinkles on a meat wrinkled as a mummy.

"Are you surprised you? Relax and calm down, you need not fear anything. What you see now is just a part of reality, the other is that you've admired yesterday. "

Marika wanted to outsource all his dismay, his distress and anguish, but he could not even smile, I could have stayed there, sitting with his mouth open to look at that woman.

"we can offer you some tea?"

Marika Only then he noticed the coffee table in front of her foot was on a steaming pot flanked by two cups and a sugar bowl.

"I put the sugar bowl just for the satisfaction not add sweetener to the drink."

He handed the cup filled with tea Marika that received the mechanical gesture with his right hand:

"Sugar ha molteplici effetti negativi, sia fisici che chimici, senza parlare dell’infausta influenza che esercita sulla psiche.”




21 Febbraio,

è sbocciato un altro amore primaverile

Erika, oh Erika

Il tempo era incerto, il sole non dava segni di sicurezze e le nebbie danzavano come gnomi irriverenti mentre il vento cercava inutilmente di ghermirle. Pesava l'aria pregna di apprensioni, di incognite visioni e poi, poi uno squarcio improvviso liberò il cielo da ogni mediazione. Rapiti oltre noi stessi prendemmo a volare nell'infinità Following the Erika.

Hello guys, that luck is good,

with the sun or the moon.


How Do Yo Cure Diarrhea

Fugitive ...

E' tipo una settimana che non scrivo nulla.
Vi avevo accennato che era nata Nilde e che sarei partita per vedere la sua nascita. L'evoluzione degli eventi ha voluto che io per brutta assemblea del collegio proprio non potessi partire per vedere la nascita ma si son potuta partire per fare la Doula.

Chi è la doula? in Italia è una figura poco conosciuta che sta prendendo piede. Ancora non ci sono leggi o norme che ne regolino la formazione o che stabiliscano cosa possono fare. Ci sono molte controversie su quello che effettivamente può do. Surely it is a great physical and emotional support to women during pregnancy, during birth, for example if the woman is not accompanied by their partners, and after birth.
The doula can help the mother in the household, support it on breastfeeding and baby care, but you can never replace midwives to solve problems or to give more specific advice.
on Wikipedia is a nice description of the doula but refers to the figure that this holds for example in the United States, Britain, Canada and other countries where this figure has been around much longer and that more training is complete. In an interview Piera Maghella explains a bit 'the role of the educator perinatale in altri paesi, solo che là la formazione per diventarlo è molto più ricca di quella che al momento si trova in italia.
Non so dire se la doula e l'educatore perinatale siano la stessa figura, sicuramente non sono dei professionisti sanitari come l'infermiere e l'ostetrica, sono delle figure assistenziali non mediche che supportano la donna.

Comunque, sono arrivata che la mia amica stava ancora in ospedale, doveva partorire a casa ma per una pericardite le hanno sconsigliato di farlo. Fortunatamente le ostetriche che l'avevano seguita l'hanno assistita in ospedale, un travaglio bello, rapido e libero! Ha fatto nascere la sua bambina a carponi. Non vi dico che per tutto il giorno ogni volta che pensavo a loro I used to cry.
E 'was a bit' difficult to be midwives and friends is a bit 'hard at times not be seen as midwives and sometimes you spend too much by starting the tape by midwives encyclopedia with all the explanations of the moment.
My week from Zia-Midwife-Doula was made especially for the kitchen, chatting and a few cleaning (my friend has the woman who goes to clean once a week and then I had to clean a little, otherwise I would have put us d ' commitment!).

If you have a friend who is having a baby at home to help in the early days can be a precious gift! Cook (a nursing mother must make at least 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks), do the shopping, fix the laundry (wash and hang clothes, etc.), be near her when they need and leave when it's time.
If there are "fairies" who think of all the new family all the space and time to know each other. No need to move into their house like I did, on the other hand in Rome I needed a place to sleep. Just to agree timetable in which to get, if you do half a day or two rounds. No refuse the gift!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Big City Adventure Sydney

disappeared hospice-6

The missing hospice

No Trace 6

As the director stopped talking, Accountant took over immediately, as if to ward off a silent pause:

"I can not tell if they are not returned last night and they left before dawn. I asked the nurses, both those who have completed the round last night, and those who have removed this morning, say they have noticed anything. Indeed, it was a night for them all too quiet. In short, nothing abnormal. "

As he listened to the accountant, who for no reason, showed signs of excitement, attention was attracted by the excellent Moretto Marshal view that, thanks to large window you had a garden, with sullo sfondo l’annesso parco alberato. Un alto muro di abeti che fungeva anche da mura recintorie delimitando il perimetro sud della casa di riposo. Il giardino era ben curato, il prato inglese tagliato e con il bel manto verde percorso da ampi sentieri asfaltati, disseminati, nel loro percorso, da panchine in cemento. Alcuni anziani, camminavano lentamente, la schiena curva ed il volto rivolto a terra, un paio di loro, aiutandosi con un bastone, mostravano tanta fatica che sembrava stessero per accasciarsi a terra da un momento all’altro. L’insieme della scena aveva un carico di tristezza che spingeva a volger lo sguardo altrove, ed è quello che fece il maresciallo concentrandosi the folders in the meantime, an employee had put on his desk:

Cesira Cammi, born February 27, 1949 in Roccasusella, province of Pavia. Social pension. Married with Gilberto spottino April 15, 1976 in Piacenza. Three sons, Mirko 32 years, Alfredo and the last 30 years, Camilla 28.

"Notes on the diseases had, e."

Before the sergeant ended the request promptly interrupted Accountant:

"E 'for privacy, you know, we keep that information separately in a safe in the office of internal pharmacy. I already have instructed Joseph to pick it up. A few minutes and will be back. "

" Good. However, regarding his stay there were no problems, would we see? "

Moretto again requested confirmation of the absolute linear behavior of the deceased lady, as if they harbored serious doubts about it.

"You know why I ask is why? Because, and you know you better than me, the generic drugs, as well as curative effect, a number of unknown physical and mental reactions, especially when given to people no longer in force up to physical and mental. It 'important for the continuation of the investigations to have an overview, as complete as possible, the character Cesira. "

The servant sent to collect the documents came quickly, in fact, even if it was only a short month, those cards were not disease specific, if not what causes the decay of the progression of age in the human body. Even nothing about the nervous system or mind.

It did make a photocopy of the documents, which would have studied more quiet in the barracks, and left, not without feeling relieved that institution, which gave him a feeling of sadness and abandonment.

way back to the barracks, as was his custom, trying to bring order to the data, situations, news, and not a secondary factor that thought, his feelings. He always had great confidence in his instincts, and they often had good reason giving reason, even when rationality seemed to oppose with great strength and determination.

And the feeling that he was now dominated by that of an artificial reality, made with real chunks of reality and other fantasies. A little 'as the same one found in quell'ospizio guests, people who lived in a dimension that went from the present, to share memories intertwined with forgetfulness and desires or fears.

More analyzed the strange disappearances and, in particular the way in which they were abandoned, yes, because he now was convinced that's what it is, that shoes and scarves, as they were found, had more the form of deliberately left a clue that one of bewilderment. All this gave the impression of a performance of a staging in order to discover it was necessary to find the source.




She has a fine stroke and gentle soul with hard, inflexible. Sa carry weights even know that fatigue and pain of those who live their lives.


Hello everyone, why not list those here so be aware of as I do.


May the good fortune to accompany our dance.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Make Eevee Happy Silver


was two o'clock at night, or maybe not. It was cold and there was a lot of people in the room.
I do not know why but I screamed like a baby.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Adding Telephone Lines Extension

The enigma of the imperial seal - XLVI

The enigma of the imperial seal

The door leads to which light,

introduces the mystery of life,

which is in the source go to the mouth

Track XLVI

looking at that block also sad inside, that it would not have said it was an inn in town, eat a light meal, a soup which had the best qualities of being that hot. Aldobrando and Astlet settle in the large guest room along with the pilgrims present that evening while I'm going to spend the night on the straw of the stable, close to horses and to keep bags.

It 's the first time I have to sleep by a guard in the bags. In trying to sleep thinking runs the inn, to Odetta. To have your mind elsewhere I am not a great comfort, because the desire burns without consuming the desires and certainly did not take the right thing bothers me somewhat. I do not know if in reaction to the malaise that I try to think away from me, or why, after so long, I am sleeping outside the castle, and as it is, is that suddenly I remember Bernard. Who knows how to stand hours in that car, though his body has taken over the good of the intellect or animal is still living in that state, without conscience and reason as it was when I left. Accompanied by these considerations, a bit 'ruffled and confused, and even if I fall asleep immediately for stirring the responsibility of standing guard at the bags I defray, in the end I think the tiredness to lead me to sleep.

I wake up it is still dark, bard horses without waking up completely. I execute the orders they are given almost sena have full consciousness. In the straw of the barn, close to the animals, I spent I spent the night in the warmth of the stable and now the cold in the morning seems more poignant than usual, but still has the merit of fully awake.

come down the lane and head towards the River. We're going to take the barge to the port which is located just outside the walls, the side that faces the sunset. To see the crowd there is, despite the early hour, he argues that this river journey is one of the most important streets of the city. The place to sail is not far from the inn of a pilgrim, but because of the influx of people on the path we are forced to proceed in a row, one behind the other to the pier. The vessel, which is moored at a pier in stone and can be reached via a wooden walkway, is similar to a large raft, the central part of which were fixed benches sheltered by a roof made of reeds, slightly higher than of a man standing behind. Throughout the rear perimeter of the hull, have set up a fence for the transport of animals, including, in one space, prepared and fenced, are place the horses that have the task of towing the barge upstream, once the outward journey. The remainder of the vessel is a flat, unadorned table where you can set up as passengers, mostly farmers from bundling goods to sell at the market Bijpert.

Access to the barge follows strict rules, priority is given to the lineage and money, then climb to follow the social pyramid, down, to those who, not being able to have money, it adapts to trade in nature, a narrow and cramped space on board front, the one most exposed to the risks of navigation. We, through the use of money, Aldobrando not to struggle to find a place, indeed, we settle on a comfortable bench in the tectorial while the horses are a bit 'hay in the pen.




Good all

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Homemade Marzetti Coleslaw Dressing

ARTISTICTHINGS.COM - Kseniya Simonova Sand Animations 4

There are some dates that unknown to occasionally knock.
It was still cold, or maybe not, the fire burning inside, was in the second half of February, of this I am sure. When the flowers come spring.

Relieve A Tight Chest

Band of SCUE

Quando nacque la banda dello Scuè

Nel rotolare dal pendio di pietre e terriccio, dalla nuvola di polvere rossiccia che dirada verso il cielo azzurro appare la sagoma slanciata di un uomo. In un completo grigio scuro, sotto un cappello nero dalla tesa larga c’è il balenio della luce di uno sguardo attento e sotto due folti baffi neri prende forma un sorriso beffeggiatore. Il postiglione istintivamente tira le redini della pariglia con tutta la forza che ha. Le strisce di cuoio scivolano sulla pelle delle sue mani con effetto abrasivo. Non avverte dolore perché il corpo è proteso nello sforzo e la mente sta cercando un rimedio alla situazione in cui si è venuto a trovare:

“Siete in ritardo di mezzora. Come mai? Avete avuto dei problemi? Non è vi è capitata la disavventura di incontrare dei banditi, vero?”

Il postiglione ha gli occhi sbarrati, la braccia, arrotolate nelle redini, appoggiate al petto e la bocca che non sa più parlare. L’unica risposta che riesce a dare consiste nello scuotere il capo alcune volte. Non è che non saprebbe cosa dire, è che è paralizzato dallo paura, anzi, dallo spavento perché si trova davanti al terrore di quelle contrade, alla leggendaria banda di briganti detta ‘band of scuè, e quello che sta avanzando slowly towards him is his boss, the terrible mustache grinning.

"No, because if you had the misfortune of having crossed some jerk, or some ill-intentioned, now what would you give to us."

The poor coachman remains as petrified and the car does not get any response, seems to be empty of passengers.

"worship you grant us the honor of meeting you?"

The robber, who Strap on a long gun, approaches, always with a slow pace and with a sardonic smile on his lips, the coach:

"Please your worships, I present my credentials, are Gian Pi, Count and Marquis Crepailcuore Vadala. "

How materialized out of nowhere they appear, the sides of the pair, the other two robbers. Strap on both a gun, carrying a large black hat and dress with dignity. The right one is of average height and has a face Paciocco, it seems a good-natured, the other is a bit 'higher and thin with a bony face. Their movements are more circumspect than those of their head, and looking around constantly, as if they expected the arrival of someone. A creak of wood

announces the opening of the door on the right of due diligence. A shoe for women, white and sharp peeps sul predellino:

“Benvenuta nelle mie terre, contessina Margellina, l’attendavamo con ansia da stamane presto.”

Il capo dei griganti, son mossa rapida si è portato davanti alla carrozza ed allunga il braccio per aiutare la damigella a scendere dalla vettura.

Quando l’esile figura di donna appoggia i piedi nella polvere della strada il brigante si propone in un grande inchino appoggiando il ginocchio destro a terra. I suoi compari si sono fermati estasiati ad ammirare una bellezza che mai avevano visto in eguale misura. Anzi, tutto il circostante sembra che abbia trattenuto il fiato per il gran silenzio che è caduto sul luogo.



Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Best Private Equity Headhunter

The carousel of giorgione

The carousel of Giorgione

then turn around and beyond the carousel of Giorgione
turns backwards as it goes .
It 's a challenge without a duel,
the reality of illusion,
the unscripted drama.

A and then turn around here, the carousel of Giorgione
wheel as it goes forward. An extreme
without remission, the conscious
only dimension, being
the condition.

a ride and then the carousel of time
wheel loose.

In February, the spring flowers are born

But who are you ,

you know the road that leads to hear that you

dissolve the drapes of the shadows drunk with light,

that you beat the fire panting breath in my throat.

But who are you, that grabs you

thought the immense skies hovering shortages.

tu che disperdi il fluttuare delle incoscienze,

tu che rapisci i sensi al circostante.

Ma tu chi sei,

inosato e temuto pensiero auscultato,

che a conoscenza incateni l’ardore,

acquieti sete vanificando magie.

Ma tu che sei,

sei sempre qui


Monday, February 14, 2011

Honeywell Chronothe 3

R.E.M. Losing My Religion

Humorous Quiz Team Names

The shadows on the moon

Il vicolo oscura e l'ombra della luna

Traccia n. 6

Il segreto della longevità

How strange, the day before the alley seemed the place of another world, so bright and clear throughout his journey, from its confluence with the course, so contrary to the image he had taken evasive now seemed to want to hide in mystery.

The door of the house looked like it had posted a decrepit age matter. A thick blanket of powder had been soaked in a multitude of small cracks and dark spots of moisture had appeared over the entire surface.

Marika, after having hesitated a bit 'without having reason, he decided to press the button of bell.

The sound that followed was similar to that of a blackbird hoarse, like the rhythmic beat of a flat iron on a rusty.

Marika for a minute that seemed endless and nothing happened. From the house never got no answer, no noise, he came to certify the presence of anyone.

Marika supported the right index finger on the knob and the bell at that moment, soon after with a sharp snap, the door opened. The hole that had opened not betrayed nothing but darkness, a darkness from which came a voice, which she recognized in that of the young met the day before, who invited her to join:

"Hello Marika. Come on. Come in and please close the door, because now I can not move. "

The interior was dimly lit and Marika, having closed the door behind him he found himself immersed in an environment of shadows and more shadows than lights. A give orientation was only in the bottom of the room, on his right, a light-colored manganese cast a dim beam of fluorescent glow effect. There was a particular fact, or a reason explaining the reason, but the atmosphere reminded her so much for the opium dens as he had seen in movies.

"Come forward Marika, I am here, in front of you on the couch to the left of the lamp."

Marika's eyes had not yet well taken measures in that environment, it was too dark, darkness and flickering shadows in which they lived meant that the little lamp light ended the confusion by creating false shadows. Dilated her eyes and looked ahead to find it became evident by showing or the profile of this woman. The other side of the cabinet was lit in the reflected light and the head of the woman, sitting comfortably on the one hand, he showed against the clear the thick foliage.

"Come, come near me. Sit down to take a cup of tea while we chat. "

Marika hesitated, now was not so sure that he had made a good choice in accepting the invitation of that woman. They had told so many strange stories of people missing, of violence, especially to the detriment of women. A vague fear began to haunt her safety.

A tremor suddenly began to flow throughout the body simultaneously with an increase in heart of growing on his face flushing.

"Come on, come on and get comfy. How are you? All right? How was your birthday party? "

The voice of the woman had kept the harmonic overtones of the previous day, although there are a respiratory substrate, the flow of breath as if it were difficult:

Marika walked slowly toward the outline that emerged from the shadows. Given the permanent darkness began to walk carefully not to stumble:

"Yeah, well. Thanks. It 'was one of the most successful festivals. There were all my friends and my closest friends. It 'was just a good party. We had a world. "

A sudden pain struck by the strong right foot up and up, towards the abdomen. A stifled groan said he had bumped into consciousness, with the ankle, a pointed object.



Hello guys, that send us a good chance.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cat Looks Like Drees Pant Shirts

Hurrah Hurrah!

Nilde was born last night!

do not know how we can stand the text, perhaps ... but I like this song too!

Happy birthday to my mother ... were born the same day!
Feliz cumple mami!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pokemon Platinum Party Pokemon Shiny

back in line ...

Chi mi segue fin dagli esordi sa che ho problemi con la ciccia...chi mi segue da poco sicuramente ha notato che amo cucinare (e mangiare) cose buone e slurpose il che non bene si lega alla ricerca di una linea più sana.
Quest'anno è all'insegna dei buoni propositi . E' dal 1 gennaio che non fumo e questo oltre ad aver giovato ai miei polmoni e alla mia insulina (che è un po' impazzita) non ha giovato alla mia ansia visto che ogni tanto la mancanza di nicotina la tappo con un po' di cibo.
Nel frattempo la mia bilancia è impazzita, non so se siano le pile o altro, comunque non so quanto peso ora, ma di sicuro non sono dimagrita (i pantaloni non mentono!)

Traendo le somme dalla mia esperienza, da quello che ho imparato da qualche nutrizionista e da qualche esame in università per dimagrire serve:
  • buona volontà , se non lo vuoi davvero la mano continuerà a portare del cibo alla bocca dicendo al cervello di guardare altrove
  • una dieta ben bilanciata che non sia troppo ipocalorico e che comprenda tutto, meglio se creato da un nutrizionista/dietologo. Da una dietista ho avuto conferma che le diete personalizzate di dietaround sono ben bilanciate (nonchè gratuite)
  • fare attività aerobics, helps burn fat, increases lean body mass and metabolism and also increases production of endorphins that make you feel good and feel less need to strafogarsi of ice cream. The top would be at least 30-40 minutes of fast walking per day
  • a weekly menu that shows what and how much to eat each day so you should not think too much about what to cook and you know what to buy (and avoid waste), the menu may be different week by week
  • write your own food diary writing what / how much and how long you've eaten
  • weigh yourself once a week and not every day
  • drink plenty of water, fills the belly, cleansing the body and improves the elimination of toxins
  • recently provided a handout of temptation (no chocolate, snacks, mayonnaise, meats, etc.)
  • a freezer full of prepared foods and low-fat when you do not have time (you avoid eating a pasta or ordering a pizza). They can be bought frozen or when you have time, such as soup, sauteed vegetables, meat stew, etc.
  • have a supply of easy snacks such as fruit, yogurt without sugar and maybe lean
  • drink green tea, herbal teas draining Purification, etc.
  • spend more time cooking! Low-calorie foods does not mean force to eat boiled chicken or grilled steak. There are many ways and condiments that can be used to cook healthy and above all to look attractive to their dishes helps the brain to say "Wow, this dish looks very good!" Here is a recipe that I posted
  • get gifts such as a pair of pants every few kg lost, or tot weeks after you follow the diet correctly, maybe go out to dinner where you know you can eat good food and non-fat (a cut is a great dish!)
  • love yourself! buy a cream for cellulite or firming and place every day, do the mud, face masks, shave, although "not serve", vestirsi carine/truccarsi un po' e pettinarsi anche se si va a fare la spesa
Ecco, questi sono alcuni dei punti che, secondo me, possono aiutare ritrovare la linea, ho deciso che il mio profilo di Tumblr appena nato lo dedicherò a questo mio progetto, ci metterò cosa mangio, ricette, foto, ecc

Ecco i vostri consigli!!
  • Un suggerimento potrebbe essere quello di fare la dieta in compagnia, ci si aiuta a vicenda e ci si sostiene nei momenti difficili e di "tentazione"... (Bilibina)
  • Un aiutino è usare piatti di dimensioni piccole, sembrano sempre più pieni anche se le porzioni non sono enormi. E' just a psychological thing but it helps! (Mia)
And you?
you have other suggestions, ideas, strategies to put into practice to lose a few kg?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie Scubagear


As a child I dreamed of finding the genie or a witch and can do everything without doing anything.
Now more than ever I teleport
I suppose it is the dream of many. February was a month of being free and yet I find myself to have some commitments that do not overlap much with each other. On 12 I
the first meeting of midwives and is required
on 19/20 is the release with the Scouts, and are practically the only head
26, graduated from a dear
friend Everything is spiced by the fact that my dearest friend who is in Rome (I mumble mumble in Verona ... I can also put seven hours before arriving) before February 28 will give birth to her baby girl and I would love to accompany in this adventure.
Now, the transporter would not be extraordinary?
mean, I would go as well to make a shot in Paris with my sister for a creme brule and a little 'shopping stoffoso since I finished well after many stoffine Belline packed with 23 caps for the operating room

since they are now I prepare to be assimilated from the couch ....

Friday, February 4, 2011

Knee Overcompensation Syndrome

Recycling is good!

I found another beautiful site!
there are so many tutorials and lots of cute ideas, all about recycling and not trivial but very
design blog is called the Great Green Goods , here are some of the posts that I liked more, but I suggest you watch it all, there are wonderful photos and ideas to copy!

a rug weaving tape measure

Picture 18

recycled bottles


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snugtop Camper Shells

Shoes ... where to put them?

At the moment I have two shoes Ikea mirror positioned in a hallway mirror, because strategic increases the light coming through the back door. Only that many shoes are left out and I have to find a solution ...
I have one but I still wanted to try a little 'around what could have nice design and since I have not put a secret room where all

On Charlotte Tangy Design hook-shaped feet

Ecco una prima idea che si può "copiare" , usando dei tubi per le fognature

Oppure i cestini dell'ikea, idea di Timeout

E se invece si usasse un mobiletto ikea ridipinto ? immagine trovata su donnamoderna

Ti avanza una scatola di vino? foderala!!

My idea is to paint or lined in white boxes that I now take pictures of my shoes and then paste the picture on the box of the shoe so I do not have to open all the boxes to see what shoes I wear.

you how you solved?