The enigma of the imperial seal
The door leads to which light
introduces the mystery of life
which is in the source go to the mouth
come down the lane and head towards the River. We're going to take the barge to the port which is located just outside the walls, the side that faces the sunset. To see the crowd there is, despite the early hour, he argues that this river journey is one of the most important streets of the city. The place to sail is not far from the inn of a pilgrim, but because of the influx of people on the path we are forced to proceed in a row, one behind the other to the pier. The vessel, which is moored at a pier in stone and can be reached via a wooden walkway, is similar to a large raft, the central part of which were fixed benches sheltered by a roof made of reeds, slightly higher than of a man standing behind. Throughout the rear perimeter of the hull, have set up a fence for the transport of animals, including, in one space, prepared and fenced, are placed horses that have the task of towing the barge upstream, once the outward journey. The remainder of the vessel is a flat, unadorned table where you can set up as passengers, mostly farmers from bundling goods to sell at the market Bijpert.
Access to the barge follows strict rules, priority is given to the lineage and money, then climb to follow the social pyramid, down, to those who, not being able to have money, fits to trade in a narrow and cramped nature of space on the edge front, the one most exposed to the risks of navigation. We, thanks to the availability of monetary Aldobrando not struggle to find a place, indeed, we settle on a comfortable bench in the tectorial while the horses are a bit 'hay in the pen.
Fortunately, today seems to want to stay on the beautiful day with clear skies, warm air now moved by a barely perceptible breeze. I hope that continues because, you see the water dark and deep river, of which I see not the bottom, I, not being a swimmer, I do not feel completely calm, and, remembering a misadventure capitatami few years ago, when it accidentally slipped into a canal risked drowning if it were not for the providential intervention of my friend Bernard, I feel a slight uneasiness.
That's how I remember him suddenly, my old shows that I left the hermitage. Who knows how it will stay now. I wonder if you have recovered from that blow to the head, but now as a conditioned reflex to think I take Odetta.
Before the red towers that rise between the trees still bare, indicating the proximity of the city of Bijpert is the growth of vessel traffic. Emerge as if by magic from the wooded banks, has formed a parade of small boats of fishermen and traders with the simultaneous thinning of the vegetation of the banks. On the right bank, flanked the road on which you need to hitch lifts to the current, appeared via a second, wider and lined with stones placed at regular distances from each other.
I watch the scene between a yawn and another, I am wearing a tired indolent. Maybe because I did not do anything but sit around all day, letting myself in this, from navigating slow and doze on the barge on the river current. Aldobrando Astlet and remained for most of the time sitting on the bench as if they knew each other, engrossed in some kind of thoughts, and, at least from what I've seen, I do not think it is exchanged for very long speeches. Me, I'm a little behind, sitting on the floor with his back against the fence of the animals, I have the task of guarding the bags. For the first time I am aware that the desire to tie the game feeling. At the same moment when I become aware of my departure from dell'inesorabilità Odetta, like a strange compendium interior, I find myself even more attached to her. As a disease of the mind, every chance I find myself thinking.
Durante il viaggio la chiatta ha fatto tre fermate in corrispondenza di altrettanti villaggi, e son saliti soprattutto altri contadini con la povera merce che in una primavera, seppur precoce, la terra concede. Il paesaggio che ci accoglie è in tutto simile a quello che abbiamo lasciato; Il corso del fiume si snoda sinuoso tra monti coperti di boschi ed è forse questo uno dei motivi che fan sì che la chiatta, nella navigazione, stia nel mezzo del fiume, lontano dalle rive.
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