of February
will tell you how he went. According to the calculations would have been born in early March, but no one had calculated the great desire of life that animated quell'esserino that swam in the womb of its mother. Towards evening she began to squirm and occasionally kicking. Assolutissimamente wanted to be born. Even then, back in the genesis shows how the heart had a predominant role in the composition of his being. He struggled so much momentum in the life that broke the water and forced his mother to the hospital street. Who was born at night and when he opened his eyes, the fog light of a virgin, she was hugged and touched by the tender gaze of her father. It was the bright light of happiness in those eyes her father's first moment of life.
The father forgot all what he wanted, what he feared, and was hooked on that delicate little body that moved her arms as if he wanted, even then, embrace it.
Outside it was cold and had started to snow, even with the arrival of some windy swirls soon expanded into the storm. The man closed nel cappotto, si calò il cappello in testa e prese la strada di casa. La neve copiosa che già aveva riempito la strada non gli fu di nessun intralcio, quell’uomo aveva negli occhi la luce che ardeva in quelli della figlia appena nata ed ai piedi aveva le ali, volava leggero sulla neve, ebbro di felicità.
Quando la notte mostra il cielo delle due lune, il recondito ancestrale ci riporta là, a quell’attimo che si è ripetuto nel nostro divenire altro, qualsiasi altro, tranne quella scintilla immutabile.
Datemi una musica,
datemi dei versi
che ho voglia di volare
con il cuore nella mente.
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