The dark alley
and the shadow of the moon
No Trace 6
"Come, come near me. Sit down to take a cup of tea while we chat. "
Marika hesitated, now no longer knew whether to accept the invitation of the woman had been a good idea. It felt strange stories of people who disappeared, violence varied.
A tremor suddenly began to flow throughout the body simultaneously with an increase in heart of growing on his face flushing.
"Come on, come on and get comfy. How are you? All right? How andata la festa di compleanno?”
La voce della donna aveva mantenuto il tratto armonico del giorno prima, anche se emergeva un sottofondo respirato, come se l’afflusso di fiato fosse difficoltoso:
Marika si avviò lentamente verso quella sagoma che emergeva dall’ombra. Stante la permanente oscurità prese a camminare con cautela per non inciampare:
“Si, bene. Grazie. E’ stata una delle feste meglio riuscite. C’erano tutte le mie amiche ed i miei amici più cari. E’ stata proprio un bella festa. Ci siamo divertiti un mondo.”
Non era nemmeno una risposta, e Marika, mentre parlava, ne era consapevole, e non era nemmeno una frase di circumstance, rather suffer in the sound of her voice found a foothold to cling to in the dark quiet. He had the sudden desire to place his hands in order to feel any obstacles that were placed in the way its uncertain path. In fact, spread his arms as he moved in small steps towards that light.
A sudden pain struck by the strong right foot up and up, towards the abdomen. A stifled groan burst from his throat in response to the consciousness of having struck, with the ankle, a pointed object.
Struck by grief, he found himself in retreat, without realizing it, sitting on a couch not far from the woman. The thing was così repentina che non seppe se ciò era da imputare all’essersi sbilanciata in avanti con il corpo a causa dell’inciampo, oppure fosse dipeso solo dal fatto di aver raggiunto quel comodo sofà. Non avvertiva più nessun dolore, proprio come se non lo avesse mai sentito. La superficie del divano era morbida ed accogliente, tanto che ebbe l’impressione che fosse il mobile che adeguasse la forma modellandola al suo corpo e non viceversa.
Da quella posizione, con la lampada alle spalle, aveva a disposizione di luce tutto l’appartamento. Se quella donna diceva d’avere centocinqantasei anni il mobilio che arredava quel luogo ne aveva certamente di più. Non essendo un’esperta di mobili non seppe dare the style of an era as a whole if not that, however, it was antique furniture.
He turned to the woman who, in the meantime had come forward and had revealed the face that until then had remained hidden in the shadows.
instinctively drew back frightened Marika. Do not know why he did not move from where he had loan, but his body was all nailed a riot in fear. That smooth-skinned young face had become a concentration of wrinkles on a meat wrinkled as a mummy.
"Are you surprised you? Relax and calm down, you need not fear anything. What you see now is just a part of reality, the other is that you've admired yesterday. "
Marika wanted to outsource all his dismay, his distress and anguish, but he could not even smile, I could have stayed there, sitting with his mouth open to look at that woman.
"we can offer you some tea?"
Marika Only then he noticed the coffee table in front of her foot was on a steaming pot flanked by two cups and a sugar bowl.
"I put the sugar bowl just for the satisfaction not add sweetener to the drink."
He handed the cup filled with tea Marika that received the mechanical gesture with his right hand:
"Sugar ha molteplici effetti negativi, sia fisici che chimici, senza parlare dell’infausta influenza che esercita sulla psiche.”
21 Febbraio,
è sbocciato un altro amore primaverile
Erika, oh Erika
Il tempo era incerto, il sole non dava segni di sicurezze e le nebbie danzavano come gnomi irriverenti mentre il vento cercava inutilmente di ghermirle. Pesava l'aria pregna di apprensioni, di incognite visioni e poi, poi uno squarcio improvviso liberò il cielo da ogni mediazione. Rapiti oltre noi stessi prendemmo a volare nell'infinità Following the Erika.
Hello guys, that luck is good,
with the sun or the moon.
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