The enigma of the imperial seal
The door leads to which light,
introduces the mystery of life,
which is in the source go to the mouth
Track XLVI
looking at that block also sad inside, that it would not have said it was an inn in town, eat a light meal, a soup which had the best qualities of being that hot. Aldobrando and Astlet settle in the large guest room along with the pilgrims present that evening while I'm going to spend the night on the straw of the stable, close to horses and to keep bags.
It 's the first time I have to sleep by a guard in the bags. In trying to sleep thinking runs the inn, to Odetta. To have your mind elsewhere I am not a great comfort, because the desire burns without consuming the desires and certainly did not take the right thing bothers me somewhat. I do not know if in reaction to the malaise that I try to think away from me, or why, after so long, I am sleeping outside the castle, and as it is, is that suddenly I remember Bernard. Who knows how to stand hours in that car, though his body has taken over the good of the intellect or animal is still living in that state, without conscience and reason as it was when I left. Accompanied by these considerations, a bit 'ruffled and confused, and even if I fall asleep immediately for stirring the responsibility of standing guard at the bags I defray, in the end I think the tiredness to lead me to sleep.
I wake up it is still dark, bard horses without waking up completely. I execute the orders they are given almost sena have full consciousness. In the straw of the barn, close to the animals, I spent I spent the night in the warmth of the stable and now the cold in the morning seems more poignant than usual, but still has the merit of fully awake.
come down the lane and head towards the River. We're going to take the barge to the port which is located just outside the walls, the side that faces the sunset. To see the crowd there is, despite the early hour, he argues that this river journey is one of the most important streets of the city. The place to sail is not far from the inn of a pilgrim, but because of the influx of people on the path we are forced to proceed in a row, one behind the other to the pier. The vessel, which is moored at a pier in stone and can be reached via a wooden walkway, is similar to a large raft, the central part of which were fixed benches sheltered by a roof made of reeds, slightly higher than of a man standing behind. Throughout the rear perimeter of the hull, have set up a fence for the transport of animals, including, in one space, prepared and fenced, are place the horses that have the task of towing the barge upstream, once the outward journey. The remainder of the vessel is a flat, unadorned table where you can set up as passengers, mostly farmers from bundling goods to sell at the market Bijpert.
Access to the barge follows strict rules, priority is given to the lineage and money, then climb to follow the social pyramid, down, to those who, not being able to have money, it adapts to trade in nature, a narrow and cramped space on board front, the one most exposed to the risks of navigation. We, through the use of money, Aldobrando not to struggle to find a place, indeed, we settle on a comfortable bench in the tectorial while the horses are a bit 'hay in the pen.
Good all
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