Edor Park - 14
Park Edor
No 14
In moving towards the south, the height of a large dell'Avviluppo said, by a bumpy dirt road full of potholes and occasional tufts of grass, surrounded by the perimeter of large mulberry trees perennially green, on Silkworm has impressive sets, we will be faced at the crest of the times. We need to know that once they enter the square and placed his feet on the dusty ground that there will be more likely to retrace their steps. From that point on, you can only move freely for the area bounded by mulberry or take the road that branches off from there, always toward the south. Indeed it is a close path traced on the profile of a rock, a stone dark and shiny, deep in stagnant water that partly covered by water plants. The left side of the path because that path has only one direction and heads south, I said that the party is to the left of the ridge is called "quilting past," while the right hand side you'll find there is the "emptiness of becoming" . At that moment the sun rises and sets north to south, so who will walk the path to project its shadow only on the same path, having at sunrise in front and behind at dusk. In this latter fashion vision of the landscape that accompanies the journey will not be polluted by the projection delle ombre di chi transita sulla cresta. Se procederete lentamente alla vostra sinistra potrete ammirare le stupende colonie fiorite di tonalità rosse e bianche delle rimembranze, i grappoli blu dei rimpianti, le ondeggianti spighe verdi delle incoscienze. Di contro alla vostra destra sarete abbagliati dai riflessi da piantagioni di sogni, dalle sfumature viola in campi azzurri delle foglie di nodosi desideri, dall’armonia lussureggiante delle piante dei “senza limiti verrà”, del sinuoso intrecciarsi dei filamenti neri delle paure con gli amaranto delle angosce. La cresta è la strada che porta a queste terre ma è anche il limite invalicabile, il perenne muro che le mantiene divise, ben distinte each other. Only those who have tried to see more, or dwelt too long to gaze at the scenery could not complete the journey.
time he met and quickly, amazed, he said, but why are you running? The haste, without stopping he turned and answered, but because they were running behind me?
When you meet a disappointment, whatever it is, do not follow it, because it often comes back.
Hello guys, the good fortune to show up, I know.
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