The missing hospice
No Trace 6
As the director stopped talking, Accountant took over immediately, as if to ward off a silent pause:
"I can not tell if they are not returned last night and they left before dawn. I asked the nurses, both those who have completed the round last night, and those who have removed this morning, say they have noticed anything. Indeed, it was a night for them all too quiet. In short, nothing abnormal. "
As he listened to the accountant, who for no reason, showed signs of excitement, attention was attracted by the excellent Moretto Marshal view that, thanks to large window you had a garden, with sullo sfondo l’annesso parco alberato. Un alto muro di abeti che fungeva anche da mura recintorie delimitando il perimetro sud della casa di riposo. Il giardino era ben curato, il prato inglese tagliato e con il bel manto verde percorso da ampi sentieri asfaltati, disseminati, nel loro percorso, da panchine in cemento. Alcuni anziani, camminavano lentamente, la schiena curva ed il volto rivolto a terra, un paio di loro, aiutandosi con un bastone, mostravano tanta fatica che sembrava stessero per accasciarsi a terra da un momento all’altro. L’insieme della scena aveva un carico di tristezza che spingeva a volger lo sguardo altrove, ed è quello che fece il maresciallo concentrandosi the folders in the meantime, an employee had put on his desk:
Cesira Cammi, born February 27, 1949 in
"Notes on the diseases had, e."
Before the sergeant ended the request promptly interrupted Accountant:
"E 'for privacy, you know, we keep that information separately in a safe in the office of internal pharmacy. I already have instructed Joseph to pick it up. A few minutes and will be back. "
" Good. However, regarding his stay there were no problems, would we see? "
Moretto again requested confirmation of the absolute linear behavior of the deceased lady, as if they harbored serious doubts about it.
"You know why I ask is why? Because, and you know you better than me, the generic drugs, as well as curative effect, a number of unknown physical and mental reactions, especially when given to people no longer in force up to physical and mental. It 'important for the continuation of the investigations to have an overview, as complete as possible, the character Cesira. "
The servant sent to collect the documents came quickly, in fact, even if it was only a short month, those cards were not disease specific, if not what causes the decay of the progression of age in the human body. Even nothing about the nervous system or mind.
It did make a photocopy of the documents, which would have studied more quiet in the barracks, and left, not without feeling relieved that institution, which gave him a feeling of sadness and abandonment.
way back to the barracks, as was his custom, trying to bring order to the data, situations, news, and not a secondary factor that thought, his feelings. He always had great confidence in his instincts, and they often had good reason giving reason, even when rationality seemed to oppose with great strength and determination.
And the feeling that he was now dominated by that of an artificial reality, made with real chunks of reality and other fantasies. A little 'as the same one found in quell'ospizio guests, people who lived in a dimension that went from the present, to share memories intertwined with forgetfulness and desires or fears.
More analyzed the strange disappearances and, in particular the way in which they were abandoned, yes, because he now was convinced that's what it is, that shoes and scarves, as they were found, had more the form of deliberately left a clue that one of bewilderment. All this gave the impression of a performance of a staging in order to discover it was necessary to find the source.
She has a fine stroke and gentle soul with hard, inflexible. Sa carry weights even know that fatigue and pain of those who live their lives.
Hello everyone, why not list those here so be aware of as I do.
May the good fortune to accompany our dance.
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